when I should have been writing, reading and otherwise making myself a better writer. I know that I'm not going to be
Stephen King right out the gates but I also know that I have some interesting stories in my head that I would like to get out on the page. I have to write if I want to get better at it. I don't know if I'll ever become a professional writer, but I do know that I enjoy writing a lot.
I'm trying to change this dead end direction my career has taken, get out of this awful office environment. The worst part is the job I have would be awesome if my boss wasn't such a psycho. He sings my praises one minute about the great job I do and then the next he is all about laying on the guilt trip about me taking a vacation, or that I use the internet on my break. Hell most of the time I don't take a lunch (Which being a diabetic I should not do. It isn't at all healthy for me.) and he gives me crap about a few minutes on the 'net. I guess I would not be so pissed off if he actually did something around here other than ride me like a rented mule. He is on sick leave for two weeks, and I have to say the place has run without incident since he has been gone. What does that say about his "leadership".
I don't want to vent about that whole can of worms. I want to talk about the changes that I'm making in my life. I am going to start actively looking for another job. I just have reached the end of my rope here and I need to move on. So to that end I am redesigning my
Scott Phillips Design site, trying to make it easier for me to maintain and update. I have started an account on
Monster.com in hopes that I will be able to find something else locally that I can be happy with. The kids make changing my job a bit more difficult but I know that I'll never be happy while I'm still here. I would love to be able to work freelance as both a designer and a writer and hopefully be able to support the family that way, but I think that isn't a realistic expectation.
So If I'm not around or not posting as much, I hope you guys can understand why. I'll be trying to squeeze my writing, and improving as a writer, into a life filled with family, a new job search and still working the old job. Wish me luck. I think I'm gonna need it.