Take Out the Trash

Dec 03, 2008 19:21

Originally published at Thoughts of a Simple Man.... You can comment here or there.

The alternate title of this post was, NaNoWriMo = FAIL!

That what I feel like anyway. I didn’t participate at all, no write-ins, no writing, nothing at all. That in my book = FAIL! I need to make myself get in the habit of writing. I have to, if just to preserve my sanity. I really need to find a local writers group, so I will have deadlines, even if they are self imposed, to share something each time we meet. I really need to get back in the habit. It was truly the only time I’ve been really happy with what I do when not working or caring for my family. Now my hours are spent gaming and socializing on the game. I will still game to relax but I need to have a part of my day spent writing as well. If I ever plan on someday “seeing my name on the spine of a book” I need to carve out the time. This means prioritizing things, I need my life to have more structure than it does. I will work on that and update you on my progress.

Also wanted to say that I have been playing with my recording software and an audio post (not sure I can call it a podcast) will be coming soon. Once I get some of my fiction done and polished I will be putting that here as well.

Take Out the Trash from the album “The Else” by They Might Be Giants

Technorati Tags: NaNoWriMo, podcastcomposite triple beatonline casino net??????, writing

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