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Well I have done a few things. I have decided to write my story about a young man who realizes he has incredible powers, and the consequences of these powers on his life and how he deals with them. That being said, I really have no idea yet about the character, but I will have some generalities done by Thursday. I hope anyway. I still have to work on the world and the setting a bit but I have a starting point now.
I have done the logistics of it all. I’m hoping to write both in the morning and at night. I have about an hour set aside for each writing time. I don’t exactly have a space yet but I can figure that out today when I get home. I’m aiming to write about 1000 words in each writing “session” so I’ll average about 2000 words a day. If I can keep that pace up I will be finished around Thanksgiving which would be spectacular. I think these are both attainable goals. I can easily sit down in one session and hang a thousand words in my laptop. So I’m hoping that by having to writing “sessions” a day it will keep me fresh, give me time to think things through. Figure out where the story is going and plot the characters next moves and reactions to what has happened so far. That is my plan and I’m going to try like hell to stick to it. Hopefully I will be able to.
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