You've all heard the story of the Most Pathetic Dog on the Face of the Planet? How he spent a large portion of his formative years living under a blanket in the Lombardy House of Ill Repute? How we gave him to the humane society and they refused to put the poor beast out of his misery? Well I was telling the story again this weekend and I decided to look up the
humane society webpage to see how he was doing.
Jake, our beloved, pathetic dog, finally died this summer. An ear infection took him in the end. Personally, I'm glad his misery is finally over and still can't help but think things would've been a hell of a lot easier if Ryan had just sucked it up done what needed to be done 3 years ago.
(if this is the first time you're hearing about this and you read all the LIES AND DECEIT posted by the humane society, please understand there is another side to this story. There are many things one could say about the Lombardy house, but none of them include abuse to animals...well none of them include abuse to this dog, anyways)