1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on.
shinyget 1. Where do you get most of the inspiration for your art and stories?
My dreams. I have crazy, vivid dreams with weird worlds, people, things, creatures. It's literally like going to another place when I sleep. I actually get more places than people from my dreams, so chances are that whatever I'm writing/RPing as far as most scenes go, that's where it's from.
As far as characters, music. Vorpal, despite her guitar, was mostly music based (Metric and Aimee Mann and the Decemberists, with a little bit of Sufjan Stevens). I worked more of Kore out listening to Patrick Wolf. It's always in completely nonsensical ways too, like not listening to the lyrics, just the music portion. Others it really is more lyrically based, like T!Ed with Butcher and Liar. They really helped me get more of him out.
Then little pieces from other things I've read/seen.
2. If one of your pieces could come to life, which one would you want it to be?
Uh... I don't really have any pieces, but maybe any of the ones with the tiny, tiny owls. Like, I dunno, the sketch of myself as a badass cowboy with wee owls chilling in my hair (stfu, I was feeling awesome that day). For characters I've drawn, Vorpal. She'd be cool to hang out with.
3. What would your superpower name, ability, and story of origin be?
Ffff. I'm bad with names so I'll skip that, but the ability to create awesome clockwork things with just a thought. Total T!Ed, I know, but I was living vicariously through him when I was doing that. My story of origin was that I was probably exposed to radiation as a small child or hit in the face with a meteor. They are classics and work for anything.
4. What country would you prefer our dream farm/ranch to be set up in and why?
Scotland because it's GORGEOUS. Barring that, midwest US somewhere, where most of the farms are.
5. If you could only change one thing in the world, what would it be?
That there's more to it than there is now. I want crazy magic, adventures, the walking dead, monsters of the week, the threat of an apocalypse every month and last minute world saving, for gods and goddesses and weird mythological creatures and beings to be real. If I could impose my world on this one, I would.
shichahn 1. Of all the places you've lived in over the past couple years, which was your favorite? And forget for a second about the people there, just which place did you like best?
Chicago. Most of the first experience was crap, but I am such a complete city girl. I want to go back badly.
2. What would your ideal RP be like?
Like the one I had made, only where it actually worked, as far as setting and what can be played goes. That and something like the good old days of omg!fma, where I can go for years with a character I enjoy (OC or a fandom one), meet cool people and still see them long after the game is over, and just have a good time.
3. Would you rather go the rest of your life without seeing Jensen Ackles' face, or shave off all your hair?
I would rather go the rest of my life without seeing Jensen Ackles' face than shave off all of my hair. My hair is prettier than him.
4. What did you want to be when you grew up when you were around the age of 10?
I wanted to be veterinarian. Mandy and I would have co-owned a ranch together and raised horses and all sorts of other animals. I also would have had a studio where I could do any sort of art that I wanted. Minus the being a vet thing, I still don't think any of this sounds like a bad idea.
5. What is your favorite personal Wasteland adventure?
The time where I teleported to the Deathclaw Sanctuary and was faced with three Deathclaws in front of me and an Enclave soldier at my back. It made me feel so hardcore. I've also just enjoyed most of the ones you and I have sat through doing, even if it was just wandering around. Laughing at the monsters is always fun.
I'm not promising to do this meme because I'm bad at thinking of questions. And if I do do it, don't expect them to not be cracked out because they probably will be.