Jul 07, 2005 18:39
I don't even know where to begin. The last to weeks have been incredible but at the end of it all I have a million things on my mind but only one thing that really truly touched my heart.
I met the most amazing person ever. You can't even imagine how much I wish she lived in Ames or even Iowa, of I lived near her. I met here up in Eagle Harbor and she is just awesome in way I can't even begin to put on paper. She is funny, smart, grown up, but still a kid. She is loving, real, caring, and giving, but not sappy and over-protective. She has been through stuff that makes my life look like a walk in the park and yet when I wake her up at six in the morning with no warning and pillow to the face she still smiles. She is Christian but doesn't pretend like she is better than anyone else because of it. She knows who she is and has accepted it and couldn't give a damn what anyone else thinks. She also keeps her problems, which are much greater than my own, bottled up inside so that she can help others and myself with their own. She is selfless, and undignified, but not without a sense of pride for who she is and what she believes in. She is the kind of person that doesn't come along very often in your life. The kind of person that even though you only knew them for a few days, touched your life in a way that you can't begin to describe and certainly will never forget.
I still think that what I wrote doesn't truly do justice to how I feel but I don't really know how to put on paper what I am thinking. It is sort of like one of those moments when you try to say the words but all that comes out is an exhalation of air and your eyes say everything for you.