Jun 07, 2005 22:40
Ah what a fun graduation that was. It was at least 90 degrees in the gym. So yeah, i got my daploma even though all that partyin i did all year. ha. ;) The dance after was awesome. Eevn though i cant dance (im more of a headbanger), i didnt care at all and just went with it. Didnt pay attention to any1 but my friends bc i was there to have a good time! lol Mindy and i were acting like total wackos, but we didnt care! She took thousands of pics! I should have brought a camera to take pics but i forgot.. i got one for the trip though. lol but shes not going on it so thats not cool.
I AM SOOOOOO HYPER AND I HAVE TO GET UP AT 5:45 BC WERE LEAVING AT 6:30!! AHHHHHH yeah so hope everyones has a good tomorrow and thursday. See y'all then!