(no subject)

Apr 30, 2006 19:35

Well, I figured I better update before time got too far away with me. As some/most of you know by my erratic, scatter-brained, and fully stressed out behavior recently, my schedule did not make any allowance for leisure time. I am glad to say, THE CYCLE IS BROKEN. This very past Friday, I went into my permit test and came back out with my permit and the highest score in the class. Seriously. I only missed one question, which left me at a 98. That kinda vexes me because I coulda rubbed it in James' face about being his first aced student if I had just gone with my first instinct. Oh well. I HAVE MY DAMN PERMIT! WOOOHOOOO! And no, my driving isn't as erratic as my behavior right now.

Sooooo the schedule will at least not be hell-like anymore. I'll still be kept sufficiently busy, however. I still have to work, I have the All-City Concert at the Bangor Auditorium (7:00 for all interested parties ;) ) on Tuesday, and then two weeks after that I have another one at Bangor High (same time). Not to mention Mother's Day thrown in there, as well as my Grandparent's 60th Wedding Anniversary Party on May 20th. Then the weekend after that is Dad and I's anniversary. Phew. Busy. And then I'll probably be preparing for finals, and June 12th, I'm outta school! WOOOOHOOOOO TIMES TWO! Yes, that was meant to rhyme. But at least it won't be so blocked up anymore, or tedious. CELEBRATION!

Okay, must be off for now, homework calls. Must get the arsenary ready.

Cheers, my dears.

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