(no subject)

Mar 31, 2008 07:02

I'm sad. I bought Battle Line for ninvampiress and me to play, because it seemed pretty simple and easy going. After reading the rules, I've decided that the game just sucks. It's pretty much gin rummy with hoplites. meh. I also bought the abridged rule set for the Great Battles of History line of games, to go along with Caesar - Conquest of Gaul which I already have. I figure I'm not going to find that many people who will play. If I use the simple rules, it might not scare quite as many of them away.

For all of you who hate managers on principle, I'd like you to try being one. I spend the first 15 minutes of each shift listening to my crew bitch about how much they hate work and why they can't work that fast tonight because [insert excuse], which is almost always their own damned fault anyway. Then there is the bitching because we don't have enough crew to cover absences and emergencies, but when a new person gets hired, the bitching turns to getting fewer hours each. I also love when they get pissed because I have to ask if they did what I told them to do (don't you trust me?), go check to see, and find out they lied to begin with. That goes along with me passing on specific tasks from the store manager--e.g. ordering a specific product, and getting offended that I don't trust them to do their job. Sorry, but you're not perfect, and guess who gets in trouble if you make that mistake? They complain about other people doing the very same things they do themselves. They think it's OK to resolve issues through revenge and spite. Everything is always me me me me me. Poor, poor, you.

If you hate your manager, look at yourself and see if you aren't part, if not almost all, of the problem.

Scipio is now in the 30 gallon tank with Frankie and Buzi. He has a new skull to live in which is probably three times as big on the inside as his old one. We're using the old tank to grow green cabomba so we have an excuse to leave it set up. Frankie keeps eating the leaves off of the ones in the big tank, so we can grow extra. Unfortunately he's eating it a lot faster than it grows. He shredded the hornwort we bought earlier. There are only a few tufts left. I keep shoving the bits that break off into the gravel. It sort of looks like grass when it starts growing.

We need and can't find popsicle trays to make juicesicles. Someone send us some. :)

And finally, the perverted picture request of the day: Make yourself up to look like a cat and send me pics of the result.


rome, games, fish, work

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