Hail and Farewell

Feb 28, 2006 22:42

It's time to say goodbye from here... As most of you know, I am in the planning of moving, and the days are moving fast, so, it's time. In 10 hours the huge car/small mini bus thing will come to collect all my stuff, and I almost haven't packed anything yet, so no sleep for me. So, tomorrow will be a big day, and I'm shiveringly nervous. Also for all the hard work that's just ahead. Oh no.
I won't get internet at once at my new place, so I gotta learn to live without it the hard way. I will get on the net when I can on the university, so I won't be online very often or for very long. So, I won't be updating or on my friends list as much as I have been. Sorry.

My last week have been mainly about moving.

Monday 8 days ago, I was at the janitor's at the new place. It looked closed, I hammered on the door, and a woman guided me to a back entrance. The janitor wasn't there for some reason, but she called him. So I talked with him on the phone. Because I didn't feel to comfertable with that, I only asked a few things. Mainly if I could move in before March 1st, and to my delight I could. We arranged that another janitor would be at the house on Friday and give me the keys and I could move in then. So I halted all other questions, as I could just ask them on that day.

Friday I went there, and I arrived just in time. Got the keys, and was inside my new home for the first time. We were to rate the floor and he insisted on it getting a very positive rating, but the floor didn't deserve it, for instance there was stains of paint on various places. He said, that he could get the painters to come and clean the floor on Monday if I gave him a key, and I accepted the positive rating. Then he left quickly, too quickly. I discovered just afterwards, that there was no electricity. Problematic! No light, and the fridge didn't work. I tried to see if I could do something, but I couldn't. The place included a laundry machine (in the bathroom), but didn't have an oven or the like. The tiny garden was not beautiful, it was full of burned cigarettes and looked unattended for years with plenty of strange growings. I had brought a bit of jarred food which I placed in the shelf (just so I had taken something).

Saturday I went there again. Walking there takes 40-45 minutes each way and is freezing cold. After walking back and forth on Friday, I had gotten really sick. And now I had to walk more. I can't really say, why I want to move a few things earlier. It takes me several hours, just to move to small boxes. I placed them in a shopping cart, which I pushed all the way there. I also had some of my posters and similiar things for wall hanging etc. I placed the latter in the bathroom which I looked, so that the painters wouldn't interfere with it (it's precious). The boxes I just placed in the main room, they contained the least important of my possesions, and since they got there first, then they will be the last to be opened and unpacked in the end, which is intentional as they are not important for a long time. I came there after the sun had set, and it was impossible to navigate in the utter darkness. Then I pushed the shopping cart to my home, and got a huge pain in the area of my right arm close to my hand, probably due from all the pushing of the cart on roads not suited for it. I had managed to get well again from the sickness early on the day, but after walking there with the cart, I got sick again.

Monday, during Sunday I recovered from the sickness, but then on Monday I called the janitor about the electricity. I asked him if they cut the electricity on purpose until I officially moved in March 1st, and he said that wasn't the case, so I had to meet him and solve the case. I took a quick shower, brought some things with me, though not by cart again, and ran all I could. I came 8 minutes late, and as he wasn't to be seen, I thought he had gone. The paintors had been there though and I got my key back. So now I could move all the posters etc. from the bathroom into the mainroom again. I could smell the paintors had done something, but I don't know what they did. They certainly didn't remove the paint from the floor, 'twas still there *sigh* It was this special "fastelavn" day, where keys dress up and go from door to door and ask for buns, which of course means that you have to give them money (odd tradition, *rolls eyes*) and as I was stressed and sweaty and just came in the door, I just locked everything so it looked like nobody home. Then I heard a knock, out the key hole I saw it was the janitor, so I rushed to open for him. He fixed the electricity and checked that the bathroom light now worked, and dissapeared too quickly, as I found, that the fridge didn't work. So I wanted to run after him and catch him, but then the stinking kids were at my door, so I had to throw some coins at them, so they left, and then I could go for the janitor, but then he was gone. So I had no choice but to see if I could work it out myself. Which I could, after a long period of time. I then just wandered around in there, kind of getting used to being there, lied on the floor, just sat. On my way home I was by the post office

No need to say, that naturally all this walking once again made me incredibly sick, the night between Monday and Tuesday was horrible, I have never coughed so much in my entire life, I was in pain and worried. This made that I haven't been there since. Today I have been filling out letters for people to inform about me moving. And I will go and send them later tonight. Also in these days I have been going through some of the newspapers I have saved because they ontained something I wasn't in my scrapbook (is it called that in english?), I have not done anything about it for over two years, so I had papers from May 2003 and forward. Now I have to go and look through more so I can through lots of them out. Because I don't have room for all my moving boxes. I need for more room, and less things, so I bet get those papers out fast, so I still have time for packing. And in a few hours I will pull the internet plug on this laptop, and it's goodbye.....
This place leaves me happier and happier that I have decided to go. The noise is incredible. There's always noise. People talking loudly, loud various music, watching television loudly and then the guy living upstairs have this tendency to do something that sounds like he intentionally drops heavy things on his floor for fun each ten minutes. Grrr.....
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