To catch up quickly on the last week, then I've started reading the French Revolution book I bought, but I haven't gotten far in it. I haven't event reached the revolution part of the book, ha! I still have not attanded a Latin class. This is partly because I studied the guide to the subject, and it seems, to study Latin, you have to have an A-
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Having said that as a consequence of the use of the word Scientist against anything remotely one wants to become one....even though they make our country tick!!!
The science set of Math Chem Phys type courses are struggling to find takers. Apparently they are too hard?????
A degree was a degree in my things must have changed.
Oh if you did a degree in American literature you only had 4 hours of lectures a week....but you had to read 5 "rubbish" books and write commentaries on each every week.
Where as I had 4 hours of lectures a day and 4 hours of lab work.
So instead of doing these hard subjects people are opting for Sports Science or Hotel Management, which you can do anywhere you want.
F*king stupid short sighted W*nkery.
As a country we can only expect to do well in the world markets in hi-tech subjects...not Sports Science
Did you know the University of Liverpool has a course on Sci Fi
And the library has the largest collection of Sci Fi books in Europe.
WTF can you do with a degree in sports science FFS.
Most of this shit, if we must have it, should be covered by apprenticeships.
You can get a diploma in rugby in Auckland, you know.
But I am a big believer in apprenticeships too!!!!
Most graduate management trainees at 20+ need to have their arrogance thrashed out of them for the first few years of their working life.
"There seems to be this perception that the only education worth having is one you've paid for."
Not sure about that...though I know what you mean
However I am absolutely certain that education is wasted on students :-)
Learning as I do...about everything and anything that interests me, is much more fun than sitting exams anyway. And at least this way when i have learned what I want I can give up and trundle off to another subject
And don't say that education is wasted on students. I have enjoyed my studies and they have really changed (some might say "matured") me, and I don't think of myself from before those days, as being me, because I am changed so much.
Frustrated is better
It is a complete waste of resources for people to do BULLSHIT subjects as a degree.
They would be better off in an apprenticeship
I don't call Greek, Roman, Latin, Religion, and Philosophy classes bullshit because they teach you about the world and get you think, which is a skill you can apply everywhere.
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