Swantje threw a party - for her birthday.
It was themed as "Bad Boys & Killer Babes".
Normally I'm really not up for the half-baked attempts at themed party attire - and this was no different.
That was until - I saw that the four of my housemates had really gone all out.
Swantje, the amazon blonde german as a blood-red wig wearing Lara Croft.
Claudia, the pixie-dust-sprinkling german fairy was a funk-as-puck robin hood with ripped cloth hanging from her.
Agustina from Argentina as a basic-black Bond Girl.
And Nick from Brisbane as cupid, in a toga with a home-built bow and arrow set.
10 minutes to go, I grabbed some mascara, some eye-shadow, and I cooked up my take on the archer from that awful Keira Knightly/Clive Owen film King Arthur.
Design is fun - especially when you take the make-up application duties from the girls and do it yourself.
New job - more on that later.