(ooc: Follows
Act I and
Act II.)
The deal sounded like a simple one. He would have his vengeance and be able to find his own truth. After the fight with Kat, after the drinking and the drugs, Grady was ready to find his truth. But he was not about to just give in and agree. He had a reputation to maintain, even if Cern did not really care who he was. The bull could care less what humans thought. He clearly only wanted someone to do something that he couldn't.
The offer was a sweet one. Riches, power, truth. In his intoxication, it seemed perfect. Now that he was alone now, nothing else really mattered. He could use the things he had been offered, now that he had no ties to anyone, mortal or otherwise. He was free and clear. His heart had died the moment he saw someone else fucking her, all he had left to deal with was his own lust.
He told Cern he would have his attorney look it over and he would get back to him soon.
Kat came to visit him later that evening, after he had gone back to pass out. He heard her cleaning up after time. It was always like that. They would fight and part ways, then she would come to him when he was drunk and start picking up after him. It was sweet, in a co-dependant way.
He dragged himself from his bed and picked up his gun. He might be wrong. It might be someone else, an intruder, a wizard, an owl, he didn't even know who would turn up anymore, thanks to Kat's strange friends. He moved slowly, leading with his gun.
When he saw her, he cursed inwardly. He needed to get a dog or a cat or something. He was getting too old for the hammering in his chest when he wasn't sure what was going on. He watched her cleaning his kitchen and poured himself another drink. He did not want her to see how much he missed her, even though he was still furious. That anger forced him to ask the question he had always avoided. He asked her how he was going to die.
As usual, he failed at hiding any of it from her. She knew and did her best to explain everything. In the end, he believed her when she said that the man she had bedded looked like him. It was a hard thing to believe and the alcohol helped. The alcohol and the fact that he loved her made swallowing the story a little bit easier.
After a roll in the hay, after she had fallen into the trance she worked from, he pulled himself out of bed. Cern's deal took on a new meaning now and he was eager to sign the contract. Cern arrived not long after he signed to collect the contract.
Fifteen minutes later, as he laid dying on his living room floor, Kat's answer to his question made perfect sense.