
Nov 23, 2006 21:53

Player Name/Journal Username: Nana/morbid_ambition

----Character Information----
Name/Journal Username: Grady Allen Bucher/grady_bucher
Age/Birthdate: 17, April 17th

----Student Specific Information----
House: Gryffindor
Year: 7th

Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation/Relationship/ Magical Status: Eileen Bucher/ 38/ Homemaker/ Mother/ Witch
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation/Relationship/ Magical Status: Therin Bucher/ 41/Unemployed (Sole heir of a massive fortune) / Legal Father (see secrets)/ Wizard
Siblings' Names/Ages/Occupations/ Magical Status:
No full blood siblings.
Other relatives/Age/Occupation/Relationship/ Magical Status:
Margret Sheever/31/Writer/Maternal Aunt/Squib - Deceased;
Rhys Hill / 42 / Lawyer / Birth Father / Muggle
Nemo Hill / 21 / Student /Half-Brother/ Muggle;
Sarai Hill / 20 / Student /Half-Sister/ Muggle;
Clark Hill / 19 / Student / Half-Brother/ Muggle;
Bridget Hill / 18 / Student / Half-Sister/ Muggle;
Mission Hill/ 17/ Student/ Half-Sister/ Witch;
Ingrid Hill / 14 / Student / Half-Sister/ Muggle;
Jack Hill / 13 / Student / Half-Brother Muggle;
Tolkien Hill / 11 / Student / Half-Brother Muggle;
Eugene Hill / 11 / Student / Half-Brother Muggle;
(All siblings and biological father are unknown to everyone in-game, except for Mrs. Bucher)
Pet Names/Species: Hannah/ Feline
Bloodline: Halfblood (Mistakenly thought to be a pureblood, see secrets)
Birthplace/Heritage: London, England/ French and Irish
Family Social Status: Upper Class
Religion: Catholic

Current classes for the year:
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies
Best Subjects: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst Subjects: Astronomy, Divination

----General Character Information----
Personal History:
Personality: If nothing else, Grady is honest and outspoken. He does not tend to think of the impact that he words may have, and as a result spurts harsh truths to those who aren't ready. This readily gets him into trouble with ladies, and their male suitors. If he thinks a girl is pretty, he does not hesitate to say so, regardless of company. Surely he cares about personality, but when the extent of seeing these lovely ladies was a breif moment, one can't concern themselves with such things.

Grady is an attention whore; he adores the company of people, as many people as possible. He has absolutely no sense of personal space, he does not need any and expects the same of everyone else. It is always a bit of a rude awakening when he finds that other people don't like being touched or being talked to, or need space.

He's always up for a good laugh, even if he's not the one being funny. Mostly, he just loves having a good time. He loves to drink and sees alcohol as a way to bring people together. Normally he is incredibly caring, fun, and spontanious. This spontaneity is driven by a burning impulsiveness which he simply cannot control. This too, manages to get him into trouble. He considers most people close friends; it takes hardly any effort to become one of his friends and it takes a lot to shake him loose, even if you're trying. Grady is known for rooting for the underdog, and will defend anyone if they are being hassled no matter his own personal history with them.

Though he is usually easy-going, Grady has an incredibly short fuse. It takes almost nothing to get him angry, but at the very same time his anger fissles out almost immediately. He does not hold grudges and has a tendency to forget about conflicts. That is, unless they involve the topic of superior bloodlines. In the morning he is incredibly grouchy, especially if he has to rise early. Usually it takes a good shower and a hearty breakfast to rouse his lighthearted nature.

Quidditch Beating - Grady possesses a very powerful upper-body; this makes him an obvious choice for beater. He is very skilled on a broom, and has a very strong hand-eye coordination. He has praticed quidditch since he was a very young boy - especially beating, as that is the most manly of positions - and over the years has grown incredibly skilled.

Muggle Football - Being as fascinated by Muggles as Grady is, it is reasonable that he would pick up some hobbies of muggles. Football is certainly one of these hobbies, and he enjoys it dearly. For the most part, he plays during the summer months with a gaggle of boys his age. However he has discovered that muggleborns are a wonderful, untapped resource when it comes to playing football and he often rounds them up for a game or two.

Lazy - It is not a stretch to say that Grady's whole persona can be summed up in one word: Lazy. Now, it is not to say that he cannot be motivated, but it takes a dragon breathing fire down his neck before he gets his rear in gear. And whether that dragon be real or some crazy bird, figuratively speaking, it is not easy to move him. He is a teen boy, through and through; too much effort is required to remove him from bed and he sleeps whenever he has the chance. On the floor, sitting up, in class, in detention, where ever he can catch a "Z", he will.

Messy - Though it does seemingly accompany his laziness, Grady is incredibly messy. He has stated, for most of his natural life, that he finds things best when they are strewn about on the floor. Plus, he sees no point in putting his clean clothes away when you're only going to put them on again and find that they're dirty not long after. His dorm his a mess; god forbid his roommates appreciate a tidy room, because sharing a room with Grady means making room for his things on your side. Namely, discarded clothing.

Allergy to Bees - Grady is life-threateningly allergic to bees. If he is not rushed into medicle care immediately after a sting, he is in serious danger of dying from anaphylactic shock.

Need to be a "Lady Killer" - For much of his life, Grady has attracted hoards of girls. He was no one to complain, taking the ones who offered themselves and trying his best to charm those who were not as forthcoming. He has been rightly slapped numerous times, and though he is very affective with his seductions, this is a terrible weakness for him. Since maturing, he has tried to quell his lusty nature, but old habits die hard and he cannot help but try to woo pretty ladies when he sees them.

Insecurity - Though he portrays a confident (perhaps over-confident) persona, in reality, Grady is incredibly insecure. He is concerned that he is not good enough to become an auror. The slew of ladies he entertained himself with for so long was a direct result of his insecurity with his looks. He is obsessive with his grooming habits in attempts to make himself feel better about himself.
Swimming - Grady is afraid to go swimming. Granted he does it nearly every summer to keep up appearances, but it is a nerve-wracking experience for him. He nearly drowned when he was younger, and since then he likes to keep his distance.

The Deaths of Loved Ones - Though he does not share the same beliefs as his parents, he is terrified to think that what he does may affect whether they live or die. He hopes that they are wound in tightly enough with Voldemort that nothing will happen to them. Since the death of his Aunt, Grady has become very serious about protecting the ones he loves and becoming an auror. With so many muggle, muggleborn, and halfblood friends, he considers it his duty to protect them.
Grady's mother, despite her newly married status, found it difficult to break off relationships with men she had been seeing before her arranged marriage. Before long, she found herself pregnant, and it was not with Therin - but instead Mr. Rhys Hill. Thankfully, it seemed that she was the only one who knew about Grady's real father. Even now, seventeen years later, she is the only one who knows. (Please leave this in his application, to explain the numerous brothers and sisters.)

Though Grady would never admit it - in fact he doesn't like to think about it himself - he desperately wants a family when he grows older. There are only three people in his immediate family (to his knowledge), and this has convinced him he wants several children. He especially wants a daughter to dote upon; though he would also love a son to hunt with, as he thinks hunting is a very father/son type of activity he was never forced into with his father.

Grady is allergic to bees. He keeps this as tight-lipped as possible. Few people other than his parents, the doctors who have treated him, and those who have witnessed the stings know.

Physical Description: Grady has an athletic build, with slender arms and legs and strong core. He is roughly 6' 1", and 91kg, most of his weight is muscle. He doesn't care much for robes, and spent a good bit of younger years trying to persuade his parents to let him wear muggle clothes. His hands are large, and his fingers slightly crooked. His natural hair color is blond, though he dyes it black on occasion - much to the dismay of his family.
Body Model: Ryan Gosling
Special Attributes: Grady is colorblind in both eyes. It does not hinder him and he has made no attempt to right it. Other than that, his vision is nearly perfect.

Wand: Willow, 11 1/2" Chimaera Scale, Slightly Stiff
Broom: Firebolt 1500
OWL Scores:
History of Magic: A
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Potions: E
Astronomy: P
Divinations: T
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Transfiguration: E
Muggle Studies: A
NEWT Scores: N/A

Alignment: Grady is completely against Voldemort; he intends to become an auror one day. Under the belief that he is a pureblood, he speaks out against those who think less of muggleborns and halfbloods, including his parents.

Sample RP post with the character. Please use third person style:
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