Fic: All That I Am (2/17)

Nov 10, 2010 07:41

Title: All That I Am (2/17)

Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)

Rating: PG-13 (what else?)

Characters/Pairings:  Luke/Reid, Casey/Ali, Chris/Katie, appearances from Snyder clan and other OCs

Summary: Luke found almost everything with Reid. Is that enough?

Warnings: Sequel to Almost Everything. So you should read that one first.

Author’s Notes: Thank you for all of those who went and read Almost Everything and decided to join this universe. Also a huge thank you to reilaroo for your awesome beta work and slayerkitty for letting me give you presents. Constructive criticism and comments are appreciated. Thank you for reading. ~Ali

{ Chapter 1}

Chapter Two

After throwing on some clothes and brushing his teeth, Reid walked back into the bedroom. His husband was lying on his side, taking up part of Reid’s side of the bed. Before they’d gotten married, he’d never questioned the idea of sides. He’d slept in the middle. Rarely did he ever share his bed with another man. But that was all before the few times he’d shared a bed with Luke, and then it had become clear who slept where. The redhead had learned that sharing his bed with someone was a fact of his life. They didn’t consummate their marriage until several months in, Luke’s hesitancy and then the blonde had an accident, which would make it uncomfortable for him, led to the delay. Reid knew that once he and his husband had sex, he’d never be able to give him up, and Reid wanted Luke to feel the same way. So there had been nights of holding, sleeping next to each other, and now…

Reid knew why sharing a bed with Luke had become so important. If he’d be went away to a conference, or Luke going away on a business trip, he couldn’t sleep. The first few times he tried to sleep in their bed without him, Reid had been miserable. He’d constantly reach for Luke, spend the night tossing and turning. Luke had offered to call or even get a body pillow (that had been a complete disaster). He demanded Luke clear his schedule and come with Reid, or Reid would try to do the same. If that wasn’t possible, then the times when Luke was out of town, the older man made sure to schedule himself for 48- or 72-hour shifts, so that he got to the point where he was too exhausted not to sleep, but he still missed his husband’s absence, though.

“What are you doing?” Reid demanded.

Luke stirred slightly. “Trying to catch up on the sleep that I missed when you decided you wanted morning sex,” he replied.

“Okay, first of all, I always want morning sex,” the redhead noted, walking towards the bed.

Luke chuckled. The sound was muffled by the pillow. “That’s the romantic man I married.”

“And second…” Reid finally reached the bed and tugged on the covers. “You’re coming with me.”

The younger man groaned and tried to pull the covers back. “Why? I’m not a doctor,” he argued, but his eyes were open and he had rolled over so he was laying on his back. He knew that Reid wasn’t going to take no for an answer. But Luke felt like pushing him, trying to change the redhead’s mind. He’d been doing it since he first started calling his office a dozen times a day. Nearly three years later, and that hadn’t change. Luke also knew that Reid secretly loved it too.

“Yes, I know you’re not a doctor, but if I have to look after Doogie Jr., then someone is going to have to keep an eye on Katie and the other kid. Besides, she finds you more comforting than me.” He shrugged almost as to say “go figure.”

Luke started to get up, propping his arms behind him, he rested on his elbows, looking at his husband. “I guess I should feel honored that I am one of the few people in your life that you actually call by my name.”

“Come on, Husband. You promised…” His eyes slowly raked over Luke’s body and the blonde shivered.

Luke used to wonder if there would come a time when Reid could look at him and Luke wouldn’t want him. The passion and love could fade, they would develop a routine, argue too much, just the experience of daily life. Even when he was banned from their bathroom, it all made him fall even more in love Reid.

“All right,” the blonde finally agreed. He was afraid Katie would start calling the house again and he didn’t want his husband to tell their friend what she had interrupted. Luke got out of the bed and grabbed some clothes. He raced into the bathroom.

“I’ve seen you naked!” Reid called after him.

“I know,” Luke’s answer was stifled by the door. “But the way you look at me, Katie will be calling right in the middle of me screaming your name, and I don’t want anything to interrupt us.”

A smile tugged at Reid’s lips and his pants felt tight. His husband did not play fair.

Luke came out of the bathroom, picked up his wallet and keys from the dresser. “Let’s go,” he instructed heading out of their bedroom.

Reid watched him go. I got lucky with that one.


“Oh, thank God you’re here!” Katie exclaimed the moment she opened her door. She was holding Bobby on her hip; and with her free hand, she reached for Reid’s hand, tugging him into the house.

Luke followed and quietly shut the door.

“Hi, Luke,” she offered a distracted greeting.

“Hi, Katie.”

“So what’s going on with the kid?” Reid asked. He gently took the baby from her arms.

Katie let out a sigh and felt tears prick her eyes. After losing Brad on the day Jacob was born, Katie thought that with the new baby and having Chris around, she would be okay. She would have her supportive husband to help her raise their children. Also, Luke and Reid were just a few blocks away. Luke was always good with Jacob and he was quite excited for Katie when she announced her pregnancy. But this pregnancy had been more difficult and after a bout of depression, which quickly went away, she still worried about every little thing.

Today was supposed to be a joyful event and it was. But Chris wasn’t there and when Bobby started to feel a little warm, she immediately worried. Her first instinct was to call Reid. He had been there to help her cope with Brad’s death and every little concern she had with Jacob. Despite all of his protests and general nature to the contrary, he helped her, he calmed her down.

And so, she called Reid. Now he was here and she felt foolish and grateful.

Reid started to examine the baby, absently listening to Katie mentioning a fever and crying. “Call Doogie,” he finally instructed.

“Oh God, what’s wrong?” she asked, her voice was broken. She was shaking a little, feeling the need to collapse. Luke came up behind her and gently rubbed her shoulders. He started to whisper comforting words in her ear. She leaned back on Luke.

Reid looked at the two of them. He was once again glad he’d been able to convince Luke to come with. “He’s fine. Just needs an antibiotic. He has a slight ear infection. Call Doogie and he can pick up the prescription before he leaves the hospital.”

“Oh.” She let out a sigh and Luke continued to offer comfort.

“It’s okay, Katie,” Luke assured her. “Chris will bring the prescription and Bobby will have a great day.”

She offered the blonde a watery smile. “Thanks you guys. You must think I’m so…” her voice trailed off as she tried to think of the right adjective Reid would use to describe her behavior.

“No.” “Yes.” Luke and Reid responded in unison.

“Reid!” Luke hissed.

“Call Doogie,” the redhead told Katie. She nodded and left the room. She wanted to go check on Jacob as well. He was watching a video in the other room. She was hoping to keep him occupied until it was time for the little boy to get dressed. Jacob had been okay with having a new baby brother, as long as he had the same amount of attention from his parents and Uncle Reid and Uncle Luke. But today, Jacob had been told that Bobby would be center of attention for awhile, and he had expressed his displeasure.

Both Luke and Reid watched Katie leave the room.

Reid held the baby closer to himself and rubbed Bobby’s back. He had been crying, but quickly stopped and he started to rest his head against Reid’s chest. Luke felt his heart in his throat. There was nothing more attractive then seeing his husband holding one of Katie’s kids. It made him think about the future, about one day seeing Reid with their own children. He smiled.

“What?” Reid demanded. He could see the starry-eyed look in Luke’s eyes. He wasn’t sure what his husband was thinking, but Reid had a feeling he might not like it. His husband’s naiveté was simultaneously attractive and annoying.

Luke walked over to his husband. “I was just thinking that the smartest thing I ever did was ask you to marry me.” He placed his hand over Reid’s, so both of them were holding the baby. Then Luke pressed a gentle kiss to the redhead’s cheek.

“Yeah, even you have your moments,” Reid acquiesced.

Katie returned and she took one look at the both of them. “What did I interrupt?”

Luke jumped slightly and gave her a sheepish grin. “I was just reminding my husband, that as brilliant as he is, I asked him to marry me.”

She smiled. “While that’s true, I meant what did I interrupt when I called? Usually Reid is quick to answer my pages.”

“Oh, nothing…” Luke blushed and shoved his hands into his pockets. He knew that Reid and Katie were fairly open and honest with each other, but he didn’t want to discuss his sex life with their friend.

“Morning sex,” Reid told her matter-of-factly.

She cringed slightly. “I’m sorry.” Being married to a doctor and now with the two kids, she and Chris took as much or little-as the case seemed to be lately-chance for time together as possible.

“It’s fine,” Luke assured her.

“What?” Reid demanded turning to face his husband. “She interrupted us about to have sex, why is that all right? I’ll be even crankier then Doogie Jr. over here now.”

Katie chuckled and Luke felt his entire face flame. She walked over to Reid and took Bobby out of his arms. “Well, I guess, I should let you get back home then.”

“Katie, no, really it’s all right,” Luke told her. “You were worried about your son. We understand.”

She smiled. “No, Luke, believe me, I understand how important…” She sighed. “Gosh, I can’t remember the last time Chris and I had sex.”

Reid and Luke both winced. Neither one of them wanted to picture that.

“It’s just with two kids under three and Chris’s job.”

“He’s a pediatrician,” Reid argued. “What kind of emergencies does he get? The sniffles? Chicken pox? I’m the one who’s in charge of a world-class neuro facility.”

“Yes, but Bob has started talking about retiring,” Katie replied. “Chris is considering going after the Chief of Staff position.”

“God, help us all,” Reid muttered.

“Reid, do you want it?” Luke asked.

They hadn’t discussed it. Luke was a member of the board and he had heard about Bob’s decision. In the last couple of years, he’d been cutting down on his hours. But Reid seemed happy with the Snyder Pavilion and spending Luke’s money to make sure it continued to be the best. Luke didn’t mind. In fact, he enjoyed watching his husband rally for a cause, even helping him to go to different fundraisers. He had tried to teach Reid people skills, but mostly they had found that it was best for Luke’s husband to stand there, look gorgeous, and smile whenever Luke gave him the signal.

“Luke, I love my neuro wing and I have you. I don’t need anything else,” Reid assured him. “But having to answer to Doogie?” his voice trailed off and he shuddered.

“He’s not that bad,” Katie and Luke responded in unison.

Reid could admit that in the last year or so, he and Chris had started to get along better. They kept their professional distance, but since their spouses were friends, they often got together. Also, Reid in a moment of weakness early in his marriage, Reid had gone to Chris and admitted how scared he was about creating a life with Luke. This had been before he and the blonde had admitted that they loved each other. And despite all of Reid’s belief to the contrary, Chris had offered good advice and when he got scared, when he felt that familiar stirring of panic, sometimes he heard Chris’s voice.

“And when you’re with Luke, don’t think about everything that could go wrong. Just enjoy the moment and don’t focus on pushing him away. Because that control you love so much, it’ll be the only thing you have.”

Sometimes that was what Reid needed to go back to his life with Luke and to be happy. Reid wouldn’t actually acknowledge it, but he was glad that Katie had married the younger Hughes. But having to answer to him? Reid didn’t know if he could do that.

“Reid?” Luke wrapped his arm around his husband’s waist. “Are you considering throwing your hat in the ring for Chief of Staff?”

The redhead shook away his thoughts and looked at his husband and best friend. “No. My life is pretty great. Why would I want to change that?”

“Good,” Luke said and Katie smiled. “As fun as teaching you people skills is…I don’t even think I’m a miracle worker.”

Katie chuckled softly, especially at the look on Reid’s face. She was so happy for her friend. When Reid had come to her almost three years ago and told her that he and Luke were getting married, she had been shocked and hopeful. Despite the utter disdain the redhead tried to keep in his voice whenever he talked about “Mr. Snyder,” there had been noticeable changes in the brilliant doctor since he and Luke had met, too. She knew how good Luke had been for Reid and she was happy for the both of them. But she did have to ask…

“People skills training?” She cocked any eyebrow and a smile tugged at her lips. Knowing that Bobby was going to be all right, she would enjoy teasing her best friend.

Reid rolled his eyes. “My husband thinks that I could be a little nicer to some of the staff.”

“So, we have tried role playing small talk, etc.,” Luke offered as a way of explanation.

Reid had shuddered softly at Luke’s use of the “small talk.” He hated small talk. “Mostly we role play, nurse and doctor…” He waggled his eyebrows.

And Katie shook her head. “No fair talking about your sex life when mine is currently non-existent,” she instructed.

“Katie, you know if you and Chris ever need a night away,” Luke began and he was determined not to look at Reid. He could only imagine the response his husband would provide. “Reid and I would be more than happy to look after Jacob and Bobby.”

“Hold the phone,” Reid demanded. “She interrupts our sex life and you want reward her by offering to baby-sit?”

“It’s fine,” Katie said. “Chris and I will figure it out. But I appreciate the offer, Luke.”

Reid tugged on Luke’s hand. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

“Reid,” Luke hissed. “They’re our friends. When we go out of town, they get our mail.”

“This is a little different then getting mail,” the redhead retorted.

“Reid, I know you like to pretend to be this cold, unfeeling man, but you’ve got a beautiful heart in there.” He placed his hand over the redhead’s chest. “I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you otherwise. Besides, you agreed to be Bobby’s Godfather,” Luke pointed out reasonably.

The older man shifted his weight. He didn’t feel like having this conversation in front of Katie. He actually didn’t mind, either. Reid had enjoyed baby-sitting Jacob with Luke in the past, but since Katie had announced her pregnancy, there was something different about Luke. Reid couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

“You guys should head home,” Katie replied. She didn’t want to cause any problems for them and she felt bad enough for interrupting their morning time together. She honestly did understand how important sharing time with your spouse was. Katie currently longed for her own husband to walk through the front door.

“Yeah,” Luke agreed. “Katie, do you need anything else?”

“No.” She smiled and walked over to Luke. They shared a half-hug, careful of a sleeping Bobby between them. “We’ll see you at the church later. Thank you, Reid for coming over. You’re the best.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Luke tugged on Reid’s hand and led the older man toward the door. “We’ll see you later,” the blonde called after, responding for the both of them.

Once they got outside and walked toward the car, Reid said, “Luke-”

“Reid, we’ve got to get home, and I was thinking…” He didn’t want to face Reid’s disapproval about spending time with Katie’s children. Luke stopped and leaned against the car. He tugged one of the belt loops on Reid’s pants, bring the redhead’s hips in contact with his own. “We should probably shower together…” He shrugged softly. “To you know save time.”

Reid shook his head and his doubts and questions quickly disappeared. His hands came up, resting on either side of Luke’s head, the doctor’s palms resting against the roof of the car. “You’re always talking about how we need to do our part for the environment.”

“Exactly.” Luke smiled.

The redhead glanced around, making sure none of the neighbors were out getting their papers, or taking morning walks. Seeing the street was empty, Reid leaned closer, his mouth pressed into Luke’s. The blonde’s hands left his hips, cupping Reid’s face, pulling him closer.


Thank you for reading. What is going on with Luke that Reid is wondering about? ~Ali

Onto Chapter Three...

luke/reid; fic: all that i am

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