Fic: First Kiss with the Last Boy (11/11)

Sep 29, 2010 07:22

Title: First Kiss with the Last Boy (11/11)

Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)

Rating: PG-13

Characters/Pairings: Primarily Luke and Reid, mentions of Noah, Katie and the Snyder Clan.

Summary: Sometimes it's not about the first boy you kiss, it's the last. Different scenarios in which Luke and Reid could have shared their first kiss.

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Not my characters, just borrowing them for fic purposes.

Author’s Notes: All right, well we’re finally here, the ending. I know it’s a little sad, but I appreciate you taking the journey with me. And I hope you enjoy how I connected them. I have to thank my two betas (reilaroo and hopeful 624) for making this what it was. And thank you all for stopping by and reading. Your comments made me smile and blush (especially the quotes). Thank you all so much!. ~Ali

{ Chapter 1} { Chapter 2} { Chapter 3} { Chapter 4} { Chapter 5} { Chapter 6} { Chapter 7} { Chapter 8} { Chapter 9} { Chapter 10}

Chapter 11: First Kiss with the Last Boy

"That was my favorite one yet," Amy told her dad. She gave him an appraising look. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she petulantly crossed her arms over her chest. Her father recognized the gesture. "But you're lying! How did you know you liked Daddy Luke?"

Reid sighed. Amy had inherited Reid's curls and blue eyes. But her stubbornness, that was all Luke. Luke would deny it though. They always argued about that. Not that Reid would mind. Because arguing with Luke-even when he disliked him so much, even when Reid fought his attraction to Luke-was the best foreplay Reid ever experienced.

Of course, he couldn’t explain any of that to his 13-year-old daughter. She started talking about a boy in her class who had been picking on her, saying rude things, and arguing with her. Luke told Amy it was because this boy liked her. Amy's eyes had narrowed, and she crossed her arms over her chest. It was the same look she was giving Reid now. At that point, Luke had told Amy that when her dads met, they didn't get along either. Amy demanded to know how they knew they liked each other then. Despite Luke's history of being a writer, he couldn't put into words why or how he had fallen in love with her dad. He mumbled something about Daddy Reid and an elevator. Then, Amy had gone to her other father and demanded the information. She loved both her fathers. She especially liked that Daddy Reid always told her the truth. Sometimes it was funny, especially when a mean teacher cried or the parents of a classmate turned purple. Daddy Reid said that it was when he kissed Daddy Luke, that was when he knew his life was going to be completely different and that all the fighting was his way of denying that he actually liked Daddy Luke.

Amy always managed to catch her dads holding hands or hugging or kissing. Sometimes, it was nice, other times it was embarrassing.

And so for the past two weeks, Daddy Reid had come into her room and told stories about how he and Daddy Luke had shared their first kiss. But none of them were the real story. She loved the fact that Daddy Reid was always honest with her and the stories were fun but…

Amy wanted the truth, and she couldn't believe Daddy Reid wasn't telling her. She counted on him to always tell her the truth. Daddy Luke could be silly and romantic while Daddy Reid was logical and honest.

"How do you know I was lying?" Reid asked. He crossed his arms over his chest, mirroring his daughter's stance.

"Because Daddy Luke told me the first time you kissed, that you kissed him, and he was surprised."

Reid briefly flashed back to the look on his husband's face. "Yes, he was shocked. But…he should have known. Luke had been pushing me for weeks…" He sighed. "Well, he wanted me to call him Luke."

"What did you call him?" Amy asked, not sure what else her Daddy Luke would be called.

"Oh, you know, spoiled brat, Richie Rich, Mr. Snyder," Reid said nonchalantly.

"Like grandpa Holden?" Amy questioned. She always had questions. Another thing she inherited from Luke. Reid had never known a person to question or talk as much as Luke.

Reid chuckled softly as he could still hear the indignant way Luke had told him, "Mr. Snyder is my father."

"Yes, just like your grandfather."

"So that was it? If I let Danny Perkins kiss me, then it'll be like you and Daddy Luke? I'll know that he keeps picking on me because he likes me?"

Reid's arms dropped to his sides and his mouth fell open. No sound came out for a moment. Then he thought about some punk kid with his hands on his daughter. "Absolutely not!" he insisted. "No boy is going to kiss you until I say so. You'll be 30 at the earliest, and I will make sure a complete background check is done first."

"Daddy!" Amy couldn't contain her temper. Unfortunately, she inherited that from Reid. "If you think that you will have control over who I kiss-”

"All right!" He held up his hand. “All right.” He wasn’t going to discuss his daughter and who she kissed. "Amy, there is something you should know about boys."

"Daddy Luke already gave me the sex talk," she reminded him.

Reid pinched the bridge of his nose. Despite all of his knowledge and medical training, nothing prepared him for having a little girl. When she had her first period, Reid locked himself in the bedroom while Luke and Katie took her shopping. By the time they got back, Reid had moved into the living room, but Luke promised to talk to Amy. Reid was staring into space, holding a pillow to his chest like it was his only friend in the world. Finally, after much cajoling, Luke was able to get the pillow away from Reid.

"Amy, it was different with your Daddy Luke and I. We were much older."

"I know," she said and practically rolled her eyes. "When you were my age, Daddy Luke was a baby," she told him. Sometimes talking to Daddy Reid was like talking to a child.

"Okay. Please, don't ever say that again," Reid begged. "And it was different. Yes, we didn't get along. Luke was in love with someone else when we met."


He sighed. He knew he shouldn't have started on this track because his daughter would demand more answers. "Noah," he admitted.

In the stories, Daddy Reid had mentioned another guy named Noah, someone that Daddy Luke cared about, but Amy didn’t think it was the same guy. Daddy Luke and Noah never looked or acted around each other the way her two dads did.

"Daddy and Uncle Noah?" Amy questioned. "Eww!" Her nose wrinkled and she shuddered softly.

Reid smiled. "Yeah, my thoughts, exactly. Luckily, your dad's taste improved after he met me."

"Eww!" she said again.

"Stop it," he instructed.

"So what happened?"

"All right. I was in Dallas with Luke."

"Why?" Amy questioned.

"Wait. I thought he told you the story," Reid pointed out.

"All Daddy Luke said was you kissed him. Then he gets this dreamy look in his eyes, starts babbling about how amazing it was," Amy said and almost rolled her eyes. Sometimes Daddy Luke's romanticism was annoying. She wanted to know the facts, cold details. Not silly adjectives like "amazing." Why was it amazing?

Reid looked at his daughter and knew what she was thinking. A part of him understood her response but a bigger part of him was concerned. He wanted to know that she would be able to find someone to love (when she was 30 at least) and hoped that there was a guy out there like Luke, a guy who would be willing to take a chance on her, even when she put up walls and didn't understand relationships or think she was capable of having one.

"All right," Reid sighed. "I lost a patient. She was a young girl, Annie," he paused, checking the reaction from his daughter. She was paying rapt attention, and he could see concern in her eyes.

"Annie's parents…" It wasn't until Reid and Luke had Amy that Reid was able to fully understand the Judd’s pain. He had mourned Annie as well, but it wasn't the same. "They were devastated. They sued me for malpractice, and I was suspended from the hospital. Luke pulled some strings and got me a hearing in Dallas. Uncle Noah, he needed me to conduct a surgery. So we flew to Dallas, Luke…" His voice trailed off. "He did everything he could to help me."

"Was he still in love with Uncle Noah?"


"That must have been hard for you."

Reid looked at his daughter for a moment. The first couple years of his relationship with Luke, they weren't always easy but looking into his daughter's eyes, he knew it had all been worth it. "It was difficult, but I was focused on saving my career. So, we went to the hearing and… Waited." He wasn't about to tell his daughter about the bull riding, especially the ideas he had about Luke after seeing him on that machine.

"So when did you kiss him? While you were waiting? Did you think it would kill time or something?"

He chuckled. "No. It was after I had heard back from the board. Daddy Luke was right there with me. He was anxious and supportive. I…I took one look at him and I knew… I was tired of waiting; I was done not going after what I wanted. So I took his face in my hands and kissed him. And he thought I was excited or grateful, but I was done denying who and what I wanted."

Amy sat for a few moments. Her father was usually more clinical, but this was like listening to Daddy Luke. Maybe she would get some answers this time. "Why did you like Daddy Luke?"

"You know, I probably couldn't tell you why the first few months I knew him. But…he was tenacious and when he loves, he loves completely. I knew all that about him. Amy, you're a lot like me-you want facts and don't let anything get in your way. But remember, when you're ready, if there is a boy you like, then tell him. It took a long time for Daddy Luke and I to be ready to be together and especially to decide we wanted to have you." He looked at Amy until her gaze met his. "And once we knew we wanted a child, we never regretted it for a moment. And at 13, Amy, you don't need to worry about the things that Daddy Luke and I did."

"Were you ever afraid?"

"I was terrified," Reid admitted. "I liked boys before Daddy Luke. I even loved before, but I spent so much of my life focused on work until I became the best. And then I met this spoiled kid and everything I thought I wanted…" He took a breath because even after all this time, it still scared him a little. "If I didn't have you and Luke, I wouldn't have anything."

She reached over and gave her father a hug. "I'm not going anywhere, Daddy Reid."

He returned the hug. Reid was once again grateful for the life he had been given. Pulling away, he told her, "Now about this boy."

"Danny Perkins," she supplied.

"Yes. Daddy Luke is probably right. He's picking on you because he likes you and doesn't know how to tell you. He also wants to be close to you, so he finds ways to do that."

"How do you know all this?" she asked dubiously.

"Well, I was a 13-year-old boy once."

Amy gave Reid a suspicious once over again, and before she could say anything, he told her, "It's the same even if you like boys."

His daughter nodded her head in assent.

"And…well, just keep that in mind when he acts the way he does. If he keeps it up and you don't like it, then tell a teacher or me and Daddy Luke. We'll take care of it."

"Thanks, Daddy."

She laid back down and Reid tucked Amy in. He dropped a kiss to her forehead before getting up and heading to the door.

"You and Daddy Luke acted like Danny because you liked each other and couldn't admit it, right?" Amy checked.


"Boys can be so stupid," she muttered before rolling onto her side. "Good night, Daddy Reid."

Reid smiled. "Good night, Amy."


Reid walked into his bedroom and was grateful to see his husband in bed, typing away on his laptop. The redhead crawled into bed next to Luke. The younger man quickly saved whatever he was working on and put the computer away.

"What story did you tell her tonight?" Luke asked.

"We met up at an apartment. We both wanted the place, and we were arguing. You started telling me about lazy Sunday mornings and what size the bed should be."

The blonde chuckled softly. "I think you missed your calling. And we did have that conversation when we were house hunting."

"Hey, I keep enough of our own life in these stories. They might not have been our first kiss, but each time we did…" His voice trailed off and his eyes raked over Luke's body.

"Please, tell me you did not say that to our daughter."

"Of course not. She finally demanded to know what our first kiss was really like. I guess she was tired of the stories," Reid said. He was laying on his stomach, his cheek rested against the pillow while he looked up at his husband. "And you claim to be a writer. I still don't know why I had to talk to her."

Luke slid down so he was lying next to Reid. He turned on his side and started to rub his husband's back. Reid let out a contented sigh.

"Two words: sex talk," Luke reminded him.

"You'll only get to hold that over my head for so long."

"You were hugging a pillow!" Luke countered with a chuckle. "I thought you outgrew that when you turned 40. And…" He leaned closer, his breath hitting Reid's ear. "Do you really want me to tell our 13-year-old daughter how much I wanted you the first time you kissed me?"

The redhead turned and his eyes were cloudy with desire. "You play dirty, Snyder."

Luke quickly closed the brief distance between them. "It's Oliver," he reminded his husband. Luke's hand came up and his fingers worked their way into Reid's hair.

The older man's eyes closed briefly. "I love you."

Luke smiled before pressing his lips to Reid's. The redhead reached for Luke, pulling the younger man on top of him. One kiss led to another, slow, languid touches. Hands tugged at Luke's shirt, a sigh from Reid's lips. After all these years, Luke still couldn't stop wanting Reid or being grateful that the abrasive doctor stuck it out with him.


Amy Oliver had had enough. She wanted to punch Danny Perkins, but she knew both her dads would be upset if she did. She tried to remember what Daddy Reid had said about getting a teacher or telling her dads. She didn't want to be a snitch though. And she wanted to fight her own battles. Knowing that the only way she wanted to get out of this was to smack him, Amy turned and started to walk away. She could hear Danny's voice, the taunting. He wasn't going to let her escape.

Amy let out a breath; she huffed once or twice in frustration. Quickly pivoting on her heel, she turned and walked back to Danny Perkins. He was talking to his friend, Billy Sullivan. Amy found Danny annoying-despite what her dads had told her. Billy, though, well Amy tried not to think about what she felt when she was around Billy. (It was the way Daddy Luke talked about Daddy Reid.)

Another taunt came from Danny's mouth, and Amy couldn't let this go. She walked right up to the two boys. She wouldn't allow herself to look at Billy, so she just focused on Danny's back.

"Danny," she said, trying to control her voice.

The boy in question turned. "What?" he asked.

Taking his face in her hands, Amy pulled him to her and briefly pressed her lips to his. Still not understanding what the big deal was, she let go, turned, and walked away.


"How was school?" Luke asked his daughter as she walked into the kitchen. He tried to be at home whenever she got done with school.

"Okay." She shrugged. "I kissed Danny Perkins."

Luke still wasn't used to his daughter's blunt attitude. Actually, he still wasn't used to it from Reid. "Wh-what?" he sputtered. "Are you okay?"

Amy shrugged. "It was fine. I don't get what the big deal was. The way Daddy Reid talked about you and him…I didn't feel that way."

Luke smiled, in a way he was relieved his daughter wasn't ready to rush into anything with a boy. “Sometimes…" he paused, and he could still feel Reid's firm grip on his cheeks and those fingers in his hair. "I'm reinstated, can you believe it? They said they're still keeping the investigation open, why, I'm not sure, but they don't think I'm guilty. God I can't wait to get back, make my first incision, you have no idea what this means to me. … I've wanted to kiss you for a long time, Luke."

"Daddy Luke? You're doing it again."

He was pulled out of his memory. "Right. Amy, just remember… Sometimes it's not about the first boy you kiss, it's the last. You'll know when you'll find the right one."

She nodded and tried not to feel a little disappointed.

The phone rang and Luke went to answer. He hadn't heard from Reid all day, and he figured it was his husband, telling him about whatever emergency was going to keep him from coming home by dinner.

Amy went to get a snack. She knew if she tried to make a sandwich, Daddy Luke would tell her it was going to spoil her dinner.


She turned and found Daddy Luke holding the phone out to her. "There's a boy named Billy Sullivan on the phone for you."

She smiled. Suddenly Amy wasn't hungry any more. She took the phone. "Hi, Billy…"

Seeing the smile on their daughter's face, Luke had a feeling that there wouldn't be any more first kiss stories from Reid. But he wouldn't mind giving his husband new material.



Thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed the big reveal… And let me know what you thought the connection was. ~Ali

luke/reid; fic: first kiss...

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