Fic: First Kiss with the Last Boy (6/11)

Sep 17, 2010 07:34

Title: First Kiss with the Last Boy (6/11)

Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)

Rating: PG-13

Characters/Pairings: Primarily Luke and Reid, mentions of Noah, Katie and the Snyder Clan.

Summary: Sometimes it's not about the first boy you kiss, it's the last. Different scenarios in which Luke and Reid could have shared their first kiss.

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Not my characters, just borrowing them for fic purposes.

Author’s Notes: As always I have to thank you all for stopping by and reading. All of your comments are so greatly appreciated. I have to thank my two betas (reilaroo and hopeful 624) for making this what it was. This series is made up of 10 one-shots, individual situations in which Luke and Reid could have shared their first kiss. The last chapter explains how they are tied together. ~Ali

{ Chapter 1} { Chapter 2} { Chapter 3} { Chapter 4} { Chapter 5}

Chapter 6: Never Walk Away

As a doctor, Reid was used to many uncomfortable situations: early morning surgeries, long hours on his feet, the agony of telling a patient there is nothing else that can be done. But Reid would rather be in any one of those situations then endure another five minutes with the guy sitting across from him.

It had honestly felt like a good idea at the time. Katie was at the height of her attempts to get Reid to discuss his feelings for Luke Snyder. Despite his denials, his roommate actually believed that Reid could be attracted to the young brat who blackmailed him into coming to this town and being stuck here. Besides the fact that Mr. Snyder had made it abundantly clear that Noah was the love of his life. And if words were not enough, every time Reid was around, he would see the two of them together. To shut her up (and to try to get over whatever he might feel for Luke), Reid had suggested Katie find someone for Reid to date.

She had squealed and clapped so excitedly, he almost took back the request immediately. Katie had asked him a few questions: Did he like guys who were young (like early twenties)? Did he prefer blondes? Did the guy have to be kind and generous?

Again, Reid had been tempted to tell her to just forget it. She seemed to be under the impression that Reid wanted some kind of Luke-clone and she almost succeeded.

Reid had walked into the lounge to find Sam. He was younger than Reid, in his late twenties (not the decade or so that separated him and Luke). He had sandy brown hair and green eyes. Sam worked for some non-profit. There were shades of Luke in Sam (at least on the surface). And he could understand why Katie would pick him. But Sam didn’t have the same smile-that teasing grin-and he’d deflect some of Reid’s snarky comments instead of firing one of his own. Worst of all, Reid had a feeling that if he ever got Sam mad at him it would lead to verbal sparring or a physical altercation. He didn’t want to get into a fistfight, but he could still feel Luke’s hair graze his chin when he’d shoved Reid against the wall of the police station. When the fight had started to drain a little, Luke had lowered his head-it briefly grazed Reid’s chest, the blonde hair tickling his chin.

“So we’ve been working hard on our fundraising,” Sam noted.

Reid actually wasn’t sure how long the other man had been talking. All he knew was he wanted to pick up his knife and stab his hands or take out an eye. He sighed and looked around the restaurant. The object of his thoughts appeared in the doorway. Luke hadn’t seen Reid yet. The doctor had the opportunity to observe the blonde for a few moments. His hands were dug into the front pockets of his jeans-a habit Reid was familiar with. His bottom lip was tucked into his teeth, and the doctor stifled a groan.

The blonde looked around the room and as if by a magnet, his eyes settled on Reid and his date. His bottom lip escaped as his mouth fell open. His eyes widened slightly before narrowing. The redhead watched Luke’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed.

Suddenly, a cellphone buzzed and Reid’s gaze was torn away from Luke’s.

“Sorry,” Sam replied. “We’re having a slight emergency at work.” His gaze met Reid’s and he chuckled self-consciously. “Feels a little silly saying that to a neurosurgeon.”

“It’s fine,” his tone was clipped and he pointedly glanced at the phone as it buzzed again.

Sam quietly grabbed the phone, stood up, and headed for the lobby. He brushed past Luke, not even noticing the young man.

Reid was slightly grateful that Sam had the decency to leave the table. The doctor briefly wondered why he hadn’t set up an “emergency” of his own. But he didn’t know who he would call. Katie would never agree to anything (well not when she was the one to set up the date). He thought about finding an intern who he could “convince” to call with a fake emergency. Or maybe…

“Hello, Dr. Oliver,” Luke greeted him. He knew the smart thing, the “adult” thing to do would have been to walk by, ignore the fact that Reid was on a date, or better yet leave, but the impulse to find out more was too strong. Luke found himself walking toward Reid’s table and sitting opposite him.

“Hello, Mr. Snyder. Yes, please join me and my date,” the doctor replied sarcastically.

Luke bristled. He had been hoping that maybe the man was a work colleague. “Oh…” his voice sounded like a dying bird.

The redhead suppressed a grin. He wouldn’t allow himself to believe that the young man was jealous. “Yes, Mr. Snyder, I am on a date.”

“Well.” He shifted in his chair and leaned forward. “That is… Well, you know…” He shrugged helplessly.

This time Reid couldn’t help but smile. Luke would make a terrible poker player. Reid wasn’t much of one either, but he suddenly had a flash of playing chess with the young man, winning and thinking of creative ways to collect…

Now Reid found himself shifting in the chair. He needed to concentrate, find some way to get out of this date before he came back.

“Nice,” Luke finally finished his sentence about Reid’s date.

It took Reid a moment to track the conversation. “Please,” the redhead said. “We’re not friends. Don’t pretend to care about me. I know-”

“I do care,” the words were a little breathless as Luke desperately wanted to make Reid understand, but Luke wasn’t sure he understood everything he felt about the brilliant doctor.

Reid’s lips pursed for a moment, his eyes looking directly at the young man. The blonde shifted again, and Reid sighed. “Katie set me up on this blind date and…” his voice trailed off. Reid almost said, He’s a poor substitute for you.

“He’s good looking,” Luke commented.

“Sam,” Reid supplied. “He runs a non-profit. I can’t remember which one.”

A smile tugged at the younger man’s lips. “Of course. It’s the little details that you always forget.”

“Why do you have a silver horse attached to your keychain?” the doctor questioned. Part of him wanted to prove Luke wrong, and he still wasn’t ready to admit that he hated being on this date.

“What?” Luke asked.

“When I ‘borrowed’ your car, there was a silver horse attached to the keychain.”

It still didn’t explain everything in Luke’s mind. “Oh, my dad, Holden, works with horses. Last summer… he was taken away from us for a while. I got it because it reminds me of him. I never wanted to be without him.” He blushed softly. “You probably think it’s stupid.”

“No,” Dr. Oliver replied instantly. “Sentimental-”

Luke rolled his eyes.

“And completely you,” the doctor finished.

The blonde’s mouth fell open. “Dr. Oliver-”

“Oh, God,” he muttered, glancing up and seeing Sam in the door. He was still on the phone. He sent a small smile Reid’s way, but the doctor couldn’t return it.

Luke glanced over his shoulder. “Your date?” he asked. He had a million questions, and they all appeared in that little one.

Reid let out a breath and sent a silent prayer that he would not regret what he was about to say. “He’s-”

“Cute,” Luke supplied hopefully.

“I don’t like him,” Reid admitted.

“You don’t like anyone.”

“Not helping.”

“Well, why should I?” Luke countered.

Reid let out a bitter laugh. “Didn’t you blackmail me to get me to this town? I will be restoring your boyfriend’s vision soon.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” the blonde informed Dr. Oliver.

“Will you pretend to be mine then?” the words slipped past his lips so easily, and Reid didn’t regret them for one moment.

“Dr. Oliver!” Luke hissed.

“What? I’ve seen you in action, Mr. Snyder. Don’t act as though this is beneath you.”

Luke was still shocked. Noah would never ask him to do such a thing. He still felt as though his ex held all of these standards and Luke would never measure up. And here was Dr. Oliver encouraging him to…

“Mr. Snyder-”

“I don’t know,” he drawled, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re quite the catch. Brilliant doctor, attractive, abrasive, and kind of funny.”

“Kind of?” he questioned, trying not to focus on the attractive part of Luke’s sentence.

Luke smiled. “You’d be a hard man to give up.”

“I would never walk away from you.”

The blonde’s heart started to beat erratically. No one had ever said that to him, and the one guy who Luke thought would never leave, no longer wanted him. Luke wasn’t sure what Dr. Oliver was getting at, but he wanted to hear more.

“What’s going on?” Sam finally reappeared.

The spell was broken. Luke and Reid immediately stood up. The blonde sort of stumbled in his haste to move. Reid instinctively reached for Luke. The younger man glanced over his shoulder and offered a shy grin.

Sam took it all in. The heated confession from Reid about never walking away, the hands on the blonde’s upper arms, the look in his date’s eyes.

“Sam, this is Luke Snyder,” Reid said.

“His boyfriend,” the words sounded a little hollow. But they were punctuated by Luke leaning back, his head resting on Reid’s chest.

“Then why did you-” Sam started to say.

“Ex…” Reid mumbled. “We broke up.”

Luke turned and gently placed his hands on the doctor’s shoulders. “And I’m so sorry.” His eyes widened slightly, and the doctor was reminded of a Disney woodland creature. The blonde pressed his body against Reid’s and threaded his fingers into his hair. “I was an idiot.”

The doctor started to roll his eyes, but then the blonde leaned in closer. His nose brushed against Reid’s. “You said you’d never walk away,” Luke reminded him.

Reid opened his mouth and the young man knew he was laying it on thick, but he didn’t know when he’d get an opportunity like this again. And Luke wanted to help Dr. Oliver, at least that’s what he told himself.

Luke’s mouth descended on Reid’s. A soft brush of lips, but then the doctor groaned and snaked his arms around the younger man’s waist. He tilted his head, trying to get a better angle, not wanting this moment to end.

Finally, Luke pulled away. His forehead leaned against Reid’s his breath coming out in puffs. “Reid,” he whispered.

The redhead felt a slight shiver. He’d never had anyone say his name like that. It went beyond physical desire. Suddenly, his earlier comment about not being able to walk away seemed too real, too honest, too everything

Reid pressed a kiss to Luke’s mouth, his grip tightening again. His legs separated, he tried to ground himself. His head leaned down, forcing Luke to tug at the curls at the nape of Reid’s neck, pulling him closer.

After a few moments, they pulled apart again.

“Is he gone?” Luke asked breathlessly.



Reid pulled away slightly, his grip didn’t loosen though. “Who?” he asked again.

Luke chuckled softly. “Your date.”

The redhead glanced over Luke’s left shoulder. The area was empty. He had no idea when his “date” had left. “He’s still here,” Reid said.

The younger man’s face scrunched in confusion. He started to turn, but Reid’s finger hooked under Luke’s chin, forcing him to look at Reid.

“Well, I guess we need to be more convincing,” the blonde noted.

Dr. Oliver offered a wry grin. Luke’s fingers were in the redhead’s hair again, gently massaging Reid’s scalp. His eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the feel of Luke’s fingers in his hair and his body molded to his. Then the familiar (and how could that be after one kiss?) press of Luke’s mouth, the way they fit so perfect together.

And Reid knew it was true: he could never walk away from Luke.


Thank you for reading. I can’t believe today is the last day of ATWT, and I hope this helped. Please consider donating to Doctors Without Borders in honor of Eric Sheffer Stevens.

Onto Chapter Seven...

luke/reid; fic: first kiss...

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