are you really my friend?

Dec 16, 2010 01:42

Cause friends don't make people wait for you for 30/45 minutes. Yknow people set a timing for a reason?? Like what's the point of making the effort to set say 130pm, if you are totally going to disregard it and arrive at 2? It's just NOT RIGHT. and not even having the decency to call 5 mins before the stipulated meeting time to inform us you'll be late and maybe give an ETA, so we dong wait like idiots only to have you stroll in casually with a completely insincere apology and invalid excuse at hand. Uhm sorry just doesn't cut it anymore. And unless you met with an accident or someone died, you have no reason to be late or not have time to pick up your stupid phone and inform me. Too much to ask? Then honestly I wonder how you get anything accomplished in life. And how we even became friends. Cause you won't make an interviewer wait for 45mins, so why are you making me? Is my time worth lesser than those people?

I really hate it when perpetually late ppl are suddenly 15 mins earlier than their usual 1 hour lateness and they make it sound like such an achievement and that they deserve a pat on the back. "Only 15 mins late" is still late, jsyk. So instead of celebrating this pointless "achievement", how about you get your ass out of your house or whatever you're doing earlier to meet us ON TIME? Then we will celebrate k? Until then, you're just fooling yourself and wasting my time.

This came up after my htht with diane and joanna. And it got worse after I talked to jairus about it haha. Ok I'm going to say this once and for all, I HATE LATE PEOPLE. So if you're meeting me, I do not tolerate lateness. I have my limits, and I have better things to do than sit around and wait for you to finally show up. That's all. Gdnight (:
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