Back on the merry-go-round

May 24, 2015 09:04

As I write, I am in the process of applying to get back on the academic merry-go-round for the 4th time in my life - this time around, I even get to apply for a tuition fees loan, like a proper student!

Yes, I am biting the bullet and starting a PGCE in September. I've finally managed to get the local college to tell me which day the class will be (the classes run from 4pm-9pm) and resigned myself to the fact that this is going to be my life for the next 2 years. I'd already deferred for a year, and that was the right decision, but I don't really have any reason to put it off any longer other than 'oh god, assignments!' and I know that won't wash.

So the plan is that by the time WorldCon is in Helsinki in 2017 (*crosses fingers*), I will be a qualified teacher, which gives me lots more options for the longer term.

I don't want to work for anyone other than the folks I'm working with now, but funding is never certain and anything could change over that period (or sooner!). My boss has been off work for an operation and is due back shortly, so we'll be discussing the new academic year's timetable, where I will hopefully get more hours. I could do with about 8 more hours teaching in order to be comfortable financially, but I can get by if I don't get them - I understand at least one regular tutor is moving on over the summer so there ought to be hours available for me (*crosses fingers again*).

This should be helped by the fact I've had a really good observation recently - one of the senior managers just 'dropped in' and sat in on the 2nd half of my class, without warning, and her feedback was really positive. I'm also getting my paperwork done, while laughing inside at the comparison with the amount I used to have to do in my previous job and how much of a fuss other teachers make about the current requirements. And my students should shortly be passing their exams (and we get bonuses from the government if they do). All these sort of things help, I'm sure.

Meanwhile, this week and next, I'm invigilating exams - full time next week, because it's half term so I have no classes to teach - which has ranged from aggravating to a pleasant passing of the time. Next week's look like being mostly the latter, I am pleased to say; old school hand written stuff with small numbers of students because they have extra time or are allowed breaks during the exam.

We also have some exams where students can use computers instead of writing by hand (if they have permission to do so), usually because of dyslexia, at the end of which we're supposed to save their file and print a copy that they approve. Which is fine until you have (as I did on Wednesday) 22 students doing 9 different exams between them, all with different durations for their exams, and NOTHING IS PRINTING!!!! Everything was just 'churning' for 10-15 minutes before it'd print - we got them all done eventually but it was a nightmare.

From conversations with other invigilators, I understand this isn't uncommon (though the two similar I've done since have been much less traumatic) and some invigilators just don't do computer-based exams so they don't ever have to work that hard. We all get paid the same, depending on our role in running the exam, whether you're run off your feet or just watching one student write for 4 hours.

Also posted at my Dreamwidth account - happy to receive comments on either post.


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