Dec 12, 2006 18:37
On Sunday, while watching a not particularly enthralling episode of Torchwood, my viewing experience was greatly improved by having a lapful of snoozing ferret. Or at least it was until I discovered that said ferret (in this case, Dougal) had a lump on his throat the size of a small walnut.
Off to the vets again tonight, where a nice lady stuck a big needle in him and pulled out about a cubic centimetre of fluid. The lump is now significantly reduced and we get to wait on histology results at some currently unspecified point in the future - the vet was so surprised by the amount of fluid that she wasn't immediately sure what the best way of getting it analysed was and needs to check the options. Fingers crossed, anyway!
And then Dougal got to be an ambassador for weaselkind in the waiting room, once I'd assured the lady who wanted to make a fuss of him that he was the least bitey ferret in the known universe. Which he is, by a long way. ;)