Okay, unless I get some new surprise!ants, I am through laying out poison because now the right side of the garage is treated. *crosses fingers, knocks on wood* As a side effect, my garage is much cleaner although I have EVEN MORE trash to throw out, including an old, fucked-up tent I wasn't even aware I had.
Yesterday I got a wild hair (hare? I've never understood that saying) up my ass and decided to dig up the back sidewalk. Honestly, I have no idea why I did it, other than an urge to work off some vague angst and I've been wary of doing that with the machete ever since I stabbed myself in the shin. I never use that sidewalk because it's broken and water pools on it. It's actually easier to walk beside it. Uncovering it was NOT FUN and I accidentally broke the rake on a hidden brick. I also discovered a 2x6 and half a water hose, to give you an idea of how long it's been since the last time I did this. I was using the 2x6 as a bridge across one of the broken muddy spots, if you're wondering. Now that I've done this there's a large amount of homeless dirt but I plan to put it in a low spot in the yard so it'll be easier to mow. So I got that goin' for me.
- Put away garage crap.
- Add air to waterlogged well tank to improve shitty water pressure.
- Bag up that dead couch.
- Haul dirt to low spot, jump up and down on it until it's flat.
- Clean well house.
- Mow front lawn.
- Clear ditch in front of house.
- Re-chop down small Chinese tallow tree that Keeps. Coming. Back. FUCK.
- Re-dye hair (Note to self: expensive apparently does not mean better).
- Refill crazy meds (I have enough propranolol to kill a horse but I run out of Lamictal in three days).
- Paint the fucking eaves of the house (I've been putting this off since 2005).
- Go to the fucking grocery store.
Not necessarily in that order.
I'm considering whether to set fire to the burn pile or just leave it there as a habitat for snakes. I'm leaning toward snakes.