Slow sunday under a grey sky
It has been a while. I know. But honestly all I have been doing is working, and as much as I love you all, I am certain post about system conversion and upgrades is really not that interesting to anyone. Not even to me :(
So I am going to Egypt! Over New Years, for a slow float down the Nile (denial? Some strange jokes popping in my head that I am certain is not really funny but it still makes me giggle. Like my Kafka burger joke)
Well another year has gone by. (You can tell by cutting me in half and counting the rings) Almost Halloween again, and for the first time in years I have no ideas for what to do for a costume!! I blame
blackwidowsweb as she is running away this year. Not sure where the logic is there, but I still blame her.
Went to the North Bound party last night. Pure chaos in shiny clothing. Sooooo many people we kept loosing our group. But I had a good night. Highlights include
eminatrix got spanked by Bianca. Watching
kumimonster get bound. And the ever present pavarotti taking pics of
But I get the feeling I will be writing more again soon. Not sure why, but once again I find I am at the edge of the fog. Inspiration is starting to return, and starting to feel more like the person I want to be.