Fuck you you fucking fuck

Jul 30, 2015 19:58

If I do not rant I may murder my housemate.

The 25 year old who has a job in construction management and just told me in so many words to take any job I can get regardless of whether or not I can pay the bills with it. Because 'the market'.

I fucking hate 'the market'. It's an excuse to grind people down to the point they'll take terrible pay and conditions out of sheer desperation. And it's funny how some jobs are exempt from it - they can charge as much as they can get away with and nobody tells them to take whatever's offered. I also strongly suspect Housemate hasn't worked minimum wage since Uni. It just smacks of an attitude that since I'm not male and earning a lot of money I'm of no value to anyone so I can't ask for fair pay. I'm fumingly angry and I want to tell him to go fuck himself with extreme prejudice. But he won't listen - because as far as he's concerned he's Right and Just Saying How It Is and I'm the Hysterical Female. Makes me want to lace his food with laxatives.

The other thing is it hits on my worst fear - of having to move back home and spending the rest of my life there with no prospects for an independent life, while I get older  and older and eventually my life is over and not only did I not have a family I didn't have anything. Of spending my whole life barely getting by with nothing to look forward to. That I am never going to feel fulfilled in my life and there's nothing I can do to change it. That's what he's saying I deserve. A life of nothing he would never accept. And you bet I hate him for it - but I'm also scared that he's right and I have nothing to hope for.

And I have a job interview tomorrow. When I am now upset and stressed and frantic.  I hope housemate gets herpes.  
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