The Lawd is Testing Me

Mar 15, 2014 17:36

Well, Someone is testing me. I wish they'd stop, as it's getting beyond a joke.

Within the last four weeks, I have :

Seen my father die of lung cancer
Turned 31.
Changed jobs
Started training for said new job.
Broke a tooth
Had my bedroom floor flood, the source of which will not be fixed for another week
Sorted out flowers for my fathers funeral.
Broke another tooth and broke it worse, date when I can get it fixed unknown.

Seriously, what the actual fuck. I am getting very sick of lurching from one incident involving serious stress to another. I'm tired, tapped out and I've just had enough. I want the world to go away until such time I'm able to deal with things, and then one at a time please.

Until then I don't really know what to do. It's just hard trying to corral all the crap that's going on in my brain long enough to work out what to do first, when honestly I'm too low on spoons to be dealing with most of it. I just want to curl up in bed and wake up Monday with everything better.
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