[OOC, Essay] Trian and rift!Magic

Apr 18, 2008 20:21

More of a ramble post as I try to figure out how Trian's magic is going to work here. Like, the technicalities of it. LOTS OF TL;DR


Okay, ONE, Trian is very powerful. But the problem here is NOT the Rift taking away his power. The Rift never took his power away (I-I think when I wrote my app, I implied that the Rift stripped his power WHOOPS).

The problem lies in the fact that Trian is unable to access his usual source of magic, because it's back at home, in Rune-Midgard. Trian believes his source of magic comes from another plane of existence called the Magic Stream, or the Stream for short. In reality, the Stream is actually a god, so casting mage spells is a lot like um, how a priest or cleric does (in my canon anyway)

That is the simple part.

God, this is going to be so hard to explain ;; Okay, IN TERMS OF WHAT TRIAN BELIEVES, when Trian casts, most of his consciousness is immersed in the Stream, which looks exactly as its namesake suggests, only its waters are dark and the light from the surface is golden in colour. The Stream is basically a source of energy for mages to shape, BUT mages also have their own energy which they need to 'move' within the Stream and shape the Stream's immense energy.

Trian shapes this energy with words (in the language of the Stream, which is indecipherable but is super fun to draw, as shown in the icon) which he doesn't need to verbalise because he's that good. In addition to this, he has a HUGE magical aura (but his brother's is like, the size of a city kay ;; ) that even non-mages would be able to detect if he didn't. kind of. hide it. Auras can also be used as a form of intimidation as well. Okay I can see I will need an aura explanation later.


Well, for one, the Stream is non-existant here. However, there is ambient energy for him to draw on.

The DIFFERENCES between using ambient magic rather than Stream magic that make it difficult for him to cast here are:

1) He cannot 'see' the source of magic very easily. Usually Trian sort of, throws himself mentally off a cliff to find the Stream because that's what he needs to do to find it. He also knows what he's actually looking for. However, ambient magic has lots of different shapes and impressions, plus there's the fact it's ambient, so it blends into the background. Add to this that he's not sure what exactly he can do with the magic.

There's also a problem with his aura, in the sense that when he reduces it to nothing (which is almost all the time), he is completely unable to see any magic at all. So in order to see the magic, he needs to show his full aura (rather than a small part like he usually does) but, see point 3)

2) The source of magic is in tiny, itty bitty pieces rather than a huge, never-ending mass. This poses a problem since he's used to having much more than he needs ready for him to work with. With Stream magic, all he needs to do is remove what energy he needs and then shape it into how he wants the spell to form. However, in ambient magic, he first needs to find the pieces of magic, lump them together, then shape it to what he wants. However, the lumping together part is very difficult, because...

3) The ambient magic is RUNNING AWAY FROM HIM. (shush it totally makes sense). Trian also doesn't know ANY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS SECTION. Back home, the energy from the user and the energy from the source becomes slightly different in properties depending on how much there is. It's kind of like pH, where the higher the pH, the more acidic a substance becomes. You could say that the smaller amounts of energy are 'basic' and the larger are 'acidic' and the scaling of it i-is a logarithmic graph too what. Using more chemistry related stuff, in magic, like attracts like. In other words, large amounts of energy will attract other large amounts of energy.

Back in Trian's canon, the Stream is a HUEG source of energy. This is the reason why new mages and crappy mages, who have very little energy of their own have such a hard time casting. Basically, the Stream's energy is rejecting them :( This is also the reason why mages close to exhaustion will find it stupid hard to cast, because exhaustion reduces the amount of energy the mage has.

However! While Trian is considered to have an amazingly huge amount of self-energy, the ambient magics here are. Well, very small bits of energy. THUS, when these tiny bits of energy are confronted with energy as big as Trian's, they repel, making it super hard to shape. Fro Trian it's kind of like, trying to forcefully give a cat a bath when it really doesn't want one. This is also the reason why other magic users in this place have a comparitively easier time casting spells (well, if they find it relatively easy anyway).

okay. so what's stopping the small amounts of energy gathering and becoming HUEG? let's go with the chemistry style answer and say, because the parts within the energy have a force of repulsion or something. I'LL GET BACK TO THIS. maybe.

In regards to Point 1), the reason why the magic runs away is because of his aura being out. But if he pulls it back in towards himself, he can't even see the magic.

So, basically Trian needs to be able to attract the magic to him before he can shape it (he can't go to the magic, as he does with the Stream, since they are all tiny itty bitty bits), but the problem with this is that as he goes after more bits of magic for his spells, he has to STOP THE BITS HE ALREADY HAS from running off. This is the reason for the 2ft radius restriction. I...I need to work on this a bit more.

4) Trian's self-energy is divided from energy of the magic source. In other words, he is disconnected from the energy around him. I'm going out a leg here, since I haven't really talked to other mage-muns yet, but I think other mages are kind of, already one with the magic in tune? connected? with the energy they need. Or that it comes from themselves entirely. It's like Trian is an outsider. Um, this section is kind of repeating 3) but I remember there was some significance for this. I just can't remember what it is right now.

This is obviously a sign I should finish making my wiki. The mage magic section alone is huge ;; W-why do I make things so complicated for myself QQ

IN SHORT, Trian puts in about a million times more effort than what he's used to just to cast a simple spell that doesn't even work as efficiently as back home. I'm thinking his verbalisations should take physical form o 3o

When Trian uses magic, almost everyone within a 20 ft radius (y-yeah I know it's huge) who can 'feel' magic (or something similar) and those who are attuned to the Rift should be able to feel it! B-but because we're in Chicago, not Rune-Midgard, Trian's aura most likely does not feel as intimidating and crushing as it usually does!

...I-I will make a magic related post some time in the future.

essay, canon-conversion, ooc

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