Sure it could be allergies, but

Oct 12, 2009 17:58

Whenever something is wrong with me, I like to assume I have the Worst Case Scenario. I don't actually BELIEVE that I have whatever disease, so I don't know if that makes me a hypochondriac or not. I hear hoofbeats, I think zebra, is all.

So Shane called to tell me that plans have changed, and now I need to pick him up at the airport tonight. He says I don't seem excited, really it's just that I'm trying to not cough in his ear. He keeps picking on me until I shout, "I HAVE LUNG FLUKES, OKAY?"

He laughs at me. Jerk.

While it's more likely that it's allergies, given that I sneeze 8 bajillion times a day and have itchy eyes...I prefer to think I have little worms in my lungs.

jenn is made of fail

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