Feb 12, 2005 11:54
OMG! OPENING NIGHT FOR THE PLAY WAS SO GOOD!!!! all the leads were great, as far as i could see we didn't mess up anything! the pit sounded amazing!! YEAY FOR PIT...and all the tech work went perfectly.
Thanks for everyone who came to see us
This was a really long week with all the late night practices...but we still had fun
Anna and I are singing the singing valentines with max on monday at school...hehehe...but before we left to sing them we noticed a certain "hat boy" was actually sitting with a certain someone else we know...YES!
So tonight is the real test cuz everyone's coming 2nite and they are videotaping it 2nite....AHHHHH...i hope it goes as well as opening night!!!!
YEAY FOR SEAN FOR GETTING MOST DEDICATED SOPHOMORE...(honestly, who didn't see that coming???)