This Is Better Than Misplaced Modifiers

Sep 20, 2007 19:39

So, I finally broke down, I finally decided to apply to be in an RPG.
But how could I turn it down? GERARD was still open, seriously, when does that happen!?
Now just to see if I get accepted

And, I'm so excited to go to the comic book shop on Sunday. UMBRELLA ACADEMY, I'M COMING~!
Even though I want to pre-order the next 2 months releases from, since they totally have TUA patches, which excite me in ways only highly caffinated liquids have. THEY HAVE A RUMOR PATCH -spaz-

Also, I need to buy the complete Sandman collection. SINCE,  the comic book guy, named Helen won't let me sit in the shop and read them anymore, since I've apperantly made it clear I'm not buying them. T_T

rpg, umbrella academy, comic books

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