yes it was so much fun and we really did make an impact on those kids its makes me want one lol i love you we really need to hang out more ahhh fun times lol
Your a murderer! How can you even fathom that you could get closer to god! when u in fact killed a love child bitch. you should die too. like your baby! then we can all rest easier.
thank you for showing how ugly people can have no faith in people, becuz people make mistakes and people change..i'm sorry if you didn't kno that...and i'm sorry if you dont kno me and just decided to try and hurt me by saying all that...the thing is that you didn't hurt my feelings one just made me feel sorry for you...if you see me as a bad person for making a mistake like all humans make (like you yourself can make) then thats ok...all i ask is that you dont make judgments on me when you probably dont kno my story, and you probably didn't put yourself in my shoes at the time, and you just wanted to be the worst person you could try to be...but i forgive you, just like god forgives me, and he forgives you for saying all those things...sorry but you could never make me feel worse than i already have when i made that descision.....
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