Resonating Through Time -- It's A Good Thing You're So Pretty

Apr 30, 2008 22:05

Title: It's A Good Thing You're So Pretty
dwtwprompts prompt: Misunderstanding
Date Written: 4/28/08
Rating: NC-17/Hard R
Word Count: 3,010
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Doctor, Donna, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Estelle
Spoilers: Doctor Who up to current season, Torchwood seasons 1 & 2.
Warnings: boylovin'. Yup, that's right.
Author's Notes: Chapter eight! Whoo. And this series is still unnamed... Just putting that out there.

1/9: Salt and Pepper
2/9: That's the Thing About Gloves, Sir
3/9: Leading Back To Rome
4/9: It's So Nice To See That Insanity Translates
5/9: Cariad, Dwi'n Unig
6.1/9: I Can Resist Everything But Temptation
6.2/9: Are You Sure You Really Want To Do That?
7.1/9: Forty Two Ain't Gonna Work This Time
7.2/9: And Bacon And Eggs For When You Wake Up

Ianto was painfully aware of two things when he came to.

One, he was in a pair of pajamas. Which meant the Doctor had probably changed him as he'd slept. Which meant there was a good chance the Doctor had seen him stark naked. That was a deeply unsettling thought.

Two, and much more importantly, he wasn't wearing his necklace. He never took his necklace off, not once since Jack had given it to him. His siblings had commented on it the few times he'd stayed over visiting, afraid he'd choke in the night, but he had just smiled and politely refused.

Jack would never intentionally give him something that would hurt him. That was one constant Ianto could lay his life on.

Blue eyes shot open as he grabbed at his throat, where his necklace usually hung. He moved to sit up, still in a panicked daze when he felt hands on his shoulder, and a familiar, soothing sound, Jack's voice in his ear.

"Calm down, Yan, it's just me."

The Welshman looked about, eyes still wide and a little crazed before coming to rest on the Vidara necklace on the bedside table. He reached out and snagged it, looping it around his neck, and seemed to calm down almost instantly.

Jack took that as a good sign. The last time a marriage had dissolved, he'd had a ring chucked at his forehead. Hard to believe that little ring of metal had hurt like it had.

A much calmer gaze, a more Ianto-like gaze, met Jack's, took him in from his seat at the edge of the bed. Jack's hair was still wet from a shower, and he had changed into a pair of jeans (tight, tight jeans, too, Ianto bet they showed that rear off like nothing) and a plain white tee. There were dark, tired circles under Jack's eyes, and something else, something lingering within his older lover.

Ianto reached out to touch Jack's temple gently. "Headache?" he asked softly, starting a gentle massage.

"Hangover," Jack corrected, leaning into his touch, a little at first, then more confidently when Ianto didn't pull his hand away.

The younger man shook his head, tapping the side of Jack's head in reprimand. "Shouldn't do that."

"I know." He took Ianto's hand from his head, stroking the palm carefully. "And you shouldn't wear out your hands," he murmured, kissing the palm of first one, then the other.

"I know," Ianto echoed.

They looked at each other for a few long moments, then Jack reached out to touch Ianto's cheek. "Yan, I didn't mean it how you thought I did." Ianto opened his mouth, but Jack put a finger over his lips. "No, wait, let me explain." He reached down to take both of Ianto's hands in his, taking a deep breath. "Ianto, I love you. I love you so, so much. But Immortality isn't all it's cracked up to be. Your family, your friends, you'll lose them all. It hurts. I... Don't want to put you through that pain, through losing those you love."

Estelle, so full of vitality and youth, took Jack's hand. "I love you, Captain Harkness."

Jack laughed and picked her up, kissing her soundly. "Well, that's a good thing, 'cause I love you too, Miss Estelle."

"You'll stay with me forever?" she asked, sqeezing his hand a little.

It made him pause. "I'll stay with you as long as I can," he promised, kissing her again. "I will love you forever, though," he swore.

Estelle's smile put the sun to shame. "Then that's enough."

Ianto squeezed Jack's hands in sympathy. "I know, Jack. I see the toll it takes on you, despite how you try to hide it." He put both Jack's hands into one of his, stroking the backs carefully, soothingly. "There are pictures of you with the other Doctor in the Archives, before you changed. You looked so much happier then, lighter. No ghosts to haunt your dreams, or at least not as many."

"They all leave me in the end," Jack said, his gaze focused on their joined hands. "I know it, but it still hurts. I'm still responsible."

"We're fragile," Ianto replied. "Porcelain figurines. Eventually we fall, and shatter against the floor." He reached up to touch Jack's chin, forcing his gaze up. "That's the Gift of Life, an eventual respite from it all."

Jack tried to keep the bitterness out of his laugh, but he was too old, too tired, too jaded. "Then what does that make us? Where's our gift?"

Ianto gave him a soft smile. "Each other. Someone to understand, to know how it feels. To have someone walking the Slow Path beside you."

...Ianto's song, the quiet, devoted accompaniment to his own brash song, winding through Time, together intertwined...

"I don't deserve you," Jack said quietly, closing his eyes. He was definitely still a little drunk, or perhaps it was the light sensitivity making tears prickle up.

"I know," Ianto replied smoothly, and Jack laughed. "But here I am."

Jack leaned in, wrapped his arms around Ianto's waist, buried his face in Ianto's neck and inhaled deeply, letting the familiar scent wash over him, soothe him, reassure him. Here was something that was just his, his forever, nothing and no one would ever take him away.

And he'd almost lost it by sticking his foot in his mouth.

"I'm sorry," he murmured. "I'm so sorry, I was stupid and an idiot and said the wrong thing again and I didn't mean it and -- "

"Yes, yes, I know I know," Ianto replied, wrapping his arms around Jack and rubbing his back soothingly. "I'm sorry I took it the wrong way."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Jack replied, his voice still muffled against Ianto's neck. "I'm the stupid one."

"I guess it's a good thing you've got me then," the younger man said, kissing the top of Jack's head.

Jack laughed and kissed his neck, feeling Ianto's pulse race under his lips and tongue.

Donna pulled one ear piece of her stethoscope out of her ear, looking over at the Doctor. "I guess even soul mates can get in fights."

"Well, ultimately they're two different people," the Doctor answered, doing the same and looking over at his Companion. "No matter how bound up in each other, no matter how alike two people are, they have different life experiences, different views. Misunderstandings arise from those differences."

"So they'll fight again?"

"Definitely. If they didn't, their relationship wouldn't be healthy."

"But a relationship where two people fight all the time isn't healthy either," Donna argued.

"It hurts to argue with people you care for, yes, but it's an inevitable result of interaction with another being." The Doctor said patiently. "Conflicts arise from time to time, even between the closest of friends, of lovers."

"So they'll fight again?" Donna repeated.

"Oh yes." The Doctor's wide smile graced his face as he looked at Donna. "But they realize it now, and accept it."

Ianto hadn't realized that Jack was undoing the buttons of his shirt until the cooler air of the room hit his skin. He smacked Jack's hands. "Who said you could do that?"

Jack pulled back and pouted. "I thought we made up. Doesn't make-up sex follow?"

"Maybe I'm still mad at you," Ianto replied. "Maybe I'll kick you out of our bed tonight."

"You won't." Jack smiled and leaned in, kissing and nibbling on Ianto's collarbone just the way he knew the younger man liked.

"How d'you know that?" Ianto gasped, fighting back the moan trying to climb out of his throat.

"Because you just called it our bed," the Captain replied, carefully moving Ianto back against the pillows again. "If you had called it my bed, I'd be sleeping on the floor."

Ianto couldn't help but laugh as Jack's hand swept down his bare chest and stomach, reaching up to tangle his fingers in Jack's damp hair. "Kiss me," he breathed, pulling him closer.

The corners of Jack's mouth quirked upwards as he leaned in to seal his mouth over Ianto's. He poured all his love, his happiness, into the kiss, moaning softly as he felt Ianto kiss him back with the same desperate need to show Jack how he felt.

The Doctor tucked his stethoscope away in his pockets. "We should give them their privacy."

Donna shushed him, leaning into the door as if that would help her get a better listen.


The human waved an annoyed hand at the Doctor.

"Oi, fangirl, stop it." The Time Lord reached for the stethoscope, struggling with Donna for a few moments before wrestling it out of her hand.

The redhead pouted. "You ruin all of my fun!"

Ianto's head was spinning.

Jack's mouth was mesmerizing, pressing against every spare inch of Ianto's exposed skin, devouring his neck as the younger man's long fingers tangled into his hair and moaning softly. That was normally enough to make Ianto's senses buzz. This time, though, he felt an odd, lingering echo through his head, a familiar whisper of pleasure overlapping his own.

He realized with a jolt that he was feeling what Jack felt.

Jack raised his head to look at him. "You okay?" he asked softly.

"Y-yeah," he replied, a little shakily.

Jack raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything, lowering his head again to kiss the underside of his jaw. "If you want me to stop, I will."

"I"m okay," Ianto insisted, moving his hands down from Jack's hair underneath the collar of Jack's shirt, stroking along his spine. "Just... wasn't expecting it."

Jack smiled softly and kissed his throat, loving the way Ianto arched his head back invitingly. "It takes a little getting used to," he said, slowly moving down to kiss along his shoulders.

"This has happened to you before?"

"Not exactly." Jack pressed a kiss over Ianto's thrumming heartbeat. "But I had psychic training at the Academy, it's a little similar." He grinned and licked wetly at one of his lover's nipples. "With you, I don't even have to try, though."

Ianto gasped and shifted a little underneath Jack's rather distracting mouth, frowning a little as he thought. "How come I can sense you now, but I couldn't earlier?"

Jack laughed. "I don't know." He pulled back a bit. "Would you please stop being so analytical and just enjoy it?"

The younger man laughed a little as well, moving his hands up to Jack's hair again. "Sor -- " His apology was cut off as Jack leaned in to kiss him deeply, his tongue sliding against the roof of Ianto's mouth.

Ianto swore he tasted a hint of alcohol before his mind decided to go fuzzy in pleasure.

They broke apart after long minutes, panting for air. Jack ran one hand down Ianto's chest again, following the warm touch with an even hotter mouth. Long, talented fingers deftly undid the tie on Ianto's pants, and before Ianto knew it he was nude underneath Jack. The older man's gaze swept slowly up and down his body and Ianto felt himself want to turn his head, to look away.

Instead he tugged at Jack's shirt. "It's not fair, you've got far too many clothes still on."

Jack's hands left Ianto's body as the shirt slid over and off before coming back to touch him hotter and more insistently, but it wasn't until his mouth descended onto Ianto's stomach that the Welshman began to writhe a little. Jack grinned and nipped at his side, earning a pleasured chuckle before moving a little lower, kissing down the fine trail of dark hair.

Ianto groaned Jack's name, carding his fingers through his brown hair again, tugging softly, urging him on. Jack chuckled softly and teasingly licked at the crease of Ianto's thigh and torso. "Ask for it, Yan," he teased.


"I want to hear you."

"Please." The beautiful voice was soft, barely heard in the room.

Jack's tongue slid wetly and far too quickly up the underside of Ianto's cock. "Beg, Ianto."

"Jack!" Ianto cried out, back arching off the mattress. "Please! Please, please, os gwelwch yn dda -- "

The Captain let out a devious grin. If Ianto was reduced to begging in Welsh, he was doing it right. "There's some lube in that bedside table," he told Ianto, running his tongue over the already-leaking tip. His younger lover let out a moan, struggling to his elbows to reach over to the table.

Jack timed his strike for right when Ianto's fingers were reaching into the drawer, when he knew they were brushing against the plastic tube, sliding the entire length of Ianto into his mouth and down his throat, suppressing his gag reflex.

Ianto's reaction was beautiful: His entire body spasmed as he gasped in shock, hands flying to cradle the back of Jack's head gently, almost reverently. Jack swallowed reflexively, the sudden constricting tightness making Ianto buck a little into his mouth.

He backed his head slowly, his tongue bathing every inch and swirling around the tip, the salty tang of precum sliding over taste buds. He purred in pleasure, pulling his head back and licking his lips. "That lube?" Ianto laughed and threw the tube at him, laying back again when Jack caught it and easily popped the cap off with one hand. The cool gel slid over Jack's fingers and he rubbed them together, warming it a little.

Ianto still flinched a little when he felt Jack's fingers at his entrance, but then that lovely, talented mouth was wrapped around his dick again and he forgot all about the temperature of the gel.

One talented, calloused finger pressed into his body, followed quickly by a second. Jack was always so careful at this stage; no matter how desperate they were, he always took care to prepare Ianto properly and oh-so thoroughly. Jack's fingers stretched and twisted, flitting about inside him, teasing his prostate and slowly pushing him closer to the edge.

Ianto almost wept when those beautiful fingers left his body, reduced to nothing more to a boneless pile of goo. He watched through half-lidded eyes as Jack left the bed briefly, stripping out of his pants. The Welshman grinned a little when he saw that Jack was going commando. "Planning this?" he teased breathlessly.

"Hoping," Jack laughed, standing back to let Ianto have his turn staring at a naked lover. He reached down with his lube-slicked hand, stroking himself a little, both preparing himself and giving Ianto a little show.

Ianto held a hand out to Jack, smiling. Jack took the outstretched hand as he climbed over Ianto, lacing their fingers together. The other hand went down between them, tilting Ianto's hips just so and pressing against Ianto's opening. "Ready?" he asked softly.

"Always," Ianto replied with a smile, tilting his face up to press his mouth against Jack's.

Jack kissed him back as he slowly sank into Ianto's body, closing his eyes against the physical and mental sensations. He could feel Ianto's pleasure, the ghost of the sensation of being taken himself, feel the earth-shattering love and devotion pouring from the man underneath him. Jack squeezed Ianto's hand tight.

"I so don't deserve you, Ianto Jones," Jack breathed, amazed, leaning down to kiss him.

Ianto laughed softly into the kiss, hooking his legs up around his waist, his heels resting on the base of his spine. "And yet you have me," he replied, arching up into him.

Jack groaned, nuzzling the gold chain aside and biting Ianto's neck, gently at first but putting more and more pressure behind it. Ianto moaned in pleasure, arching up into him again, letting Jack mark him. The Captain's teeth were still buried in his skin when the older man started slowly thrusting into him.

Tears -- not from pain, but from something else, something undefinable -- were prickling Ianto's eyes when the pressure eased off his neck, Jack's tongue soothing the angry bruise already forming against the pale skin. Ianto swallowed a little and gave him a smile, squeezing his hand gently, reassuring him that it didn't hurt, that he was just fine, more than fine.

Jack looked down, watching the delicate golden chain slide across the purpling bruise, a mark over a mark. He moaned Ianto's name, leaning down over him and thrusting a little harder into him.

Ianto's hips arched to meet Jack's thrusts, heels digging gently into Jack's tailbone, giving himself more leverage. He gasped when Jack brushed against his prostate, his other hand coming up to wrap around Jack's shoulders. Jack's other arm wrapped around Ianto's waist, pulling him closer.

Neither let go of their joined hands.

Their movements became border-line frantic as they spiraled higher together, each desperate to send the other over the edge first before finding their own release. Ianto nipped at Jack's ear, the way he knew Jack liked.

Jack moaned softly in Ianto's ear in return, kissing the hickey on his neck again. "Mine," he whispered possessively.

Ianto's answer was lost in his cry of completion.

Donna found the Doctor in the kitchen, a pot of tea still-steaming sitting on the counter. The Doctor was leaning against the counter, downing a mug. "Doctor? Are you all right?"

"What? Oh, yes, yes," the Time Lord said distractedly, turning to pour himself another cup of tea.

"Doctor, you're flushed," the human said, stepping over to touch his face. He had a far off look in his eyes, as if he wasn't all there. "I think you're getting sick."

"You don't know the half of it," he muttered into his cup.

Jack and Ianto were still tangled up in each other hours later, enjoying the quiet pleasure of touching and being touched by their other half.

Their hands were still laced together.

Jack raised their joined hands, kissing the back of Ianto's hand softly. Ianto smiled and touched Jack's cheek.

Neither said anything. They didn't have to. Their soft smiles and gentle touches said more than anything words could have.

ETA: Chapter nine (last chapter) here

doctor who, resonating through time, dwtwprompts, torchwood

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