Resonating Through Time -- Cariad Dwi'n Unig

Apr 24, 2008 22:21

Title: Cariad, Dwi'n Unig
dwtwprompts prompt: Writer's Choice #2 -- Good-bye
Date Written: 4/24/08
Rating: NC-17/Hard R
Word Count: 3,573
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Doctor, Donna, Jack/Ianto, Team, mentions Micky and Rose and slight Doctor/Rose/Jack
Spoilers: Doctor Who up to current season, Torchwood seasons 1 & 2. Particular spoilers for Boom Town (DW 01) and Dead Man Walking (TW 02)
Warnings: Sap, SEX, angst
Author's Notes: I have been wanting to do this fic since I heard this song by Aimee Duffy (AKA Duffy, she's the one who's got that single "Mercy" going). It's so beautifully heartbreaking, and in Welsh! Listen to it via YouTube here. Pardon for any possible misspellings in the title. *sweatdrop* Lyric translations are NOT mine, but are from her blog.

1/9: Salt and Pepper
2/9: That's the Thing About Gloves, Sir
3/9: Leading Back To Rome
4/9: It's So Nice To See That Insanity Translates

Trouble was Torchwood's modus operandi. Ianto had realized this a long, long time ago, and accepted it; 4 times out of 5, everything Torchwood touched turned to Hell, in the most spectacular of ways.

The Doctor, however, made Torchwood look like innocent infants that could barely wave a rattle. The Time Lord was a trouble magnet. So when the TARDIS appeared over the invisible lift, Ianto knew that there was going to be trouble, and in short order. He'd placed a quiet call to Andy and to Kathy Swanson, telling them that he wasn't sure what was going to happen, but to stay on alert for anything odd.

Andy had laughed at him but had been the first to call when the Rift started hiccuping "more of your spooky-dos".

The 'spooky-dos' ended up being super-advanced technology that -- predictably -- ended up in the hands of local organized crime. Humans always made such a mess of things, on that he and the Doctor agreed. And while the Doctor swept in with chaos at his heels, he at least tried his damnedest to make things right.

What right the Doctor was working with, however, Ianto had no idea.

(And yeah, so he was still a little bitter over Canary Wharf, even though the Doctor had nothing to do with it and had actually saved the entire universe. But Hartman was dead and de mortuis nil nisi bonum, so the Doctor became a convenient scapegoat. Ianto was still perfectly polite to the Time Lord, and that's all that Jack could ever ask of him)

The Doctor and his new Companion. Donna Noble. She was loud and bossy and bouncy excitement and "what's this do?" and Ianto just loved her to pieces, mostly because she reminded him of a bit of Jack. Jack just fell in love with her too, going a mile a minute about this race and that planet and comparing notes about the TARDIS and the Doctor and just about everything else they could think of.

Jack was just a terrible gossip.

"I like her."

Ianto smiled over at Jack, pouring him another cup of coffee. The two of them were sitting on the couch in Ianto's flat, discussing the latest visitors and wondering what sort of trouble they were bringing with them.

"The Doctor doesn't like quiet, gives him too much time to brood," Jack explained, leaning his head on Ianto's shoulder.

"Well he picked a good one then," Ianto replied, smiling. "I bet she even talks in her sleep."

Everyone lived -- well, except for Owen, but he didn't count. They'd celebrated by shutting the Hub down early and going to a club close by, the Doctor and Donna in tow. Owen had looked forlornly at the pints of beers before Tosh took pity on him and pulled him onto the dance floor, he could still move at least.

Gwen had brought Rhys along with her and the two of them had been missing since after the first round. Ianto really didn't want to think too hard on what they were doing, although it was really a split choice: Either she'd brought Rhys in an attempt to make Jack jealous (Jack was jealous -- of the normalcy. he and Ianto would never have that in their lives, they were too deep into Torchwood to get out now), or as an excuse to avoid Donna. The two hadn't gotten along at all, which was amusing.

Jack pressed a kiss to Ianto's cheek, laughing at the resulting faint blush before standing and holding a hand out to Donna. "So, fellow Companion, shall we?"

Donna laughed and let Jack sweep her out onto the dance floor, leaving Ianto and the Doctor behind at the table.

Oh God, for another beer right now. Or three.

"So," the Doctor said conversationally, pushing his glasses up his nose. "You and Jack, eh?"

"Yes sir," he replied politely, looking down at his beer bottle, hoping the Doctor couldn't see his faint shaking.

"Good for him."

Ianto looked up in surprise and found the Doctor smiling at him, that easy wide smile that reached his ancient eyes. "I know you don't like me, Ianto Jones, but I think you're just what he needs."

"So that's why you're taking him away again." Ianto winced as soon as the bitter words came out of his mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't -- "

"No, you did, don't apologize for saying what you feel. And I promise I'll return him to you, safe and sound."

"He's asked me to go traveling with him again."

Ianto sighed softly, looking down at his coffee. This could use some brandy, really. "I was expecting that," he replied instead of getting up.

"I could ask if you could come with me," Jack offered softly, moving his head just slightly so he could look up at Ianto without taking his head away.

The Welshman shook his head. "No, Jack. I belong here, 21st century, cleaning up after three humans, a pterodactyl, and a basement of Weevils."

"Then I'll stay."

"Don't you dare. You'll just regret it. Go, be happy, figure yourself out."

Just come back to me.

Ianto nodded a little, mostly to himself, as he looked back down at his drink. Across from him, the Doctor stretched and let out a very theatric yawn.

"Well, I'm knackered!" the Time lord announced. "I am really getting old. Tell you what, I'm gonna stay here tonight, get a bit of a lie-in, then pick Jack up tomorrow morning about, oh, let's say nine? Nine-thirty?"

There was a long pause before Ianto said, almost inaudibly, "Thank you, sir."

"Of course. Now off with you. I want one of you being dragged out of here within ten minutes, understand?"

The human stood and finished his drink, setting the bottle on the table with a clank. He straightened his suit before heading to where Jack and Donna were dancing to a slower song, both of them laughing as Jack lifted her up off the ground to spin her around playfully.

The Doctor turned to watch as Ianto politely tapped Donna's shoulder, asking permission to cut in. When the two of them parted, Ianto grabbed one of Jack's hands, pulling him close and giving him a kiss that left even the Time Lord panting from five meters away.

Jack was pulling Ianto out the front door three minutes later. Donna came over to the table and sat down, a professional pout on her face. "It's not fair! All the good ones really are gay or taken!"

"Oi," the Doctor protested.

"All the good ones," Donna repeated, very slowly so the Time Lord could understand her.

"Aw, sweet, look at these two," Jack joked as Rose and Micky embraced (not like the lovers they were, but more like friends, or brother and sister), the Doctor looking on a bit forlornly. "How come I never get any of that?"

"Buy me a drink first," the Doctor replied, grateful for the distraction.

"You're such hard work!" Jack complained.

"But worth it!" He'd given a very self-satisfying grin at that.

Both Rose and Jack had brought him a drink later that night.

Things had calmed down a little bit between Jack and Ianto by the time they made it back to the Hub, so when Ianto took Jack's coat to hang for him, the immortal kissed him softly. "Stay right here, I need to go do something real quick."

"All right," Ianto replied, suspicious but not pressing it.

"Don't you move from that spot now, 'Yan," Jack ordered, already walking towards his office.

"Not an inch," Ianto promised as he hung their coats up, standing in place as he waited for Jack.

He didn't have to wait long; Jack came back holding a little remote a few moments later. He stopped right by the touch, holding his hand out to Ianto and smiling. He didn't say anything; he didn't have to.

Ianto smiled back, moving to take Jack's hand. He laughed a little when Jack pressed a button on the remote before tossing it onto the couch. A soft piano arrangement began playing through the speakers rigged up around the Hub. Jack wrapped an arm around Ianto's waist, the two of them cheek-to-cheek as they swayed to the rhythm of the music. "Now this song's in Welsh, so if it says something really dirty or inappropriate, you have to teach me all the words," Jack said softly into Ianto's ear.

Ianto laughed at him. "I don't believe for a moment that you don't know -- " He stopped mid sentence as a sweet soprano voice began singing over the piano.

He looked up at Jack, swallowing around the sudden lump in his throat.

"What?" Jack pulled back to look at him. "Did I do something wrong?"

Ianto swallowed again, shaking his head. He wasn't going to ruin this moment right now, he could break down and cry once the TARDIS was out of sight.

"No, Jack, no, it's fine."

Jack frowned a little, still not believing him. "I figured it was a love song because it had cariad in it. Did I pick something wrong?"

Ianto gave him a smile, the hand on Jack's shoulder moving to touch his cheek. "No, cariad. It's just perfect."

"We need to get our clothes off the Hub floor before the others come in," Ianto murmured softly, leaning back against Jack.

Jack laughed and nodded in agreement, kissing his neck. "Yeah. Don't really want to get out of bed, though."

The dark-haired man made a noise of agreement, rolling over in Jack's arms to touch his face softly. Jack leaned into the touch, turning his head to kiss Ianto's palm, his tongue swiping gently over the Welshman's pulse point and smiling a little when he felt the heartbeat speed up under his lips.

Ianto carefully pulled Jack's face forward, landing a gentle -- but persistent -- kiss against his mouth, his hand sliding around to cup the back of Jack's neck.

The captain opened his mouth easily against his lover's, purring low in his throat as Ianto's tongue swept into his mouth, the familiar, heavenly taste of his lover and his toothpaste sliding over his taste buds, making his head spin slightly.

Jack hooked one leg around his lover's legs as he fell back against the mattress, pulling Ianto on top of him. Neither broke their kiss as Ianto settled between Jack's legs, the younger man's hands gently stroking his hips. One of Ianto's hands left his skin to search the bedclothes for the bottle of lube that was now hidden somewhere in them as their mouths slowly ate at each other.

Jack could just kiss Ianto for all of eternity and be content.

Ianto had apparently found the lube, Jack reflected as he felt one long, talented finger slip easily inside of him. His mouth jerked away from Ianto's as he arched into the touch, moaning softly. Ianto chuckled softly, kissing his shoulder as he slowly worked another finger inside of him, massaging him from the inside out.

He was begging softly by the time Ianto pulled his hand away, grabbing at the younger man's shoulders desperate for more. He could see those beautiful blue eyes in the faint light, stained so dark they were almost black with lust and want. With a practiced ease, Jack hooked his legs around Ianto's waist, arching wantonly in silent plea.

Time froze in place when Ianto entered him, both of them quivering slightly from the intense sensations, Ianto's head thrown back in pleasure, eyes squeezed tight. Jack reached up to run his fingers slowly through the black strands, down his neck to touch the delicate gold chain glinting against Ianto's skin.

Blue eyes -- oh, so dark, so beautiful -- opened as Ianto looked down at him, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Dw i'n dy garu di, Jack," he murmured softly.

Another Welsh phrase Jack knew, one that Ianto had taught him well.

I love you.

"Oh, damn 'Yan, I love you too," Jack said roughly, leaning up to kiss his love, the other half of his soul.

If time had stopped before, it sped up far too quickly for Jack's liking as Ianto started moving. Slowly pushing each other towards completion, their bodies moved in unison; hands and mouths moving and tasting everything they could. The soft, slick, wet sound of flesh sliding against flesh filled the little room, accentuated occasionally by the soft tik-tik-tik of their necklaces tapping together as they moved.

Jack's orgasm caught him by surprise since he was too busy concentrating on the feel of Ianto pressing him into the mattress, of his lover's taste and smell and touch. He whispered Ianto's name as he shook in his lover's arms, afraid that if he cried out that the moment would vanish. Ianto buried his face in Jack's hair and came as well, a muffled, strangled "Jack!" accompanying the warm wash inside him.

Ianto didn't move afterwards, just laid down on top of Jack and wrapped his arms around him. Jack didn't complain, and Ianto didn't offer to move.

The others found their clothing on the floor, a trail leading to Jack's office, when they came in at eight.

At nine-thirty on the dot, Team Torchwood stood in a line to see their Captain off. Jack's bags had been packed and stashed away in the TARDIS the night before, so his arms were empty when Gwen and Tosh both broke first and ran to give him a hug. They both looked close to tears, so Jack had laughed and promised them some amazing souvenirs. Owen had punched Jack in the shoulder, lightly, knowing that Jack couldn't punch him back, and had ducked away stubbornly when Jack reached out to put a hand on his head.

Jack saved saying good-bye to Ianto for last, knowing it'd be the hardest. Ianto was hiding behind his office persona, all polite smiles. The man had probably been an actor in another life.

The Welshman held up a large thermos as Jack stepped over to him. "Coffee," he explained at Jack's raised eyebrow. "You've gotten addicted to the stuff, it wouldn't do to have you biting off people's heads from withdrawal."

"Oh, you thing of beauty," Jack murmured, taking the thermos from Ianto and pulling him close, pressing a searing kiss against his mouth in front of the TARDIS, the Plass, and all of Wales. Ianto's hands went up to card through Jack's hair, staking an outward claim to his property.

Long moments had passed when they pulled apart, a very flustered-looking Team trying pointedly to not watch them while completely oggling the boss as he snogged the tea boy. Jack touched Ianto's cheek carefully. "I'll come back, I promise."

Ianto smiled and gave him one final, lingering kiss before stepping back, out of Jack's arms before he broke down and begged him to stay. "We'll be waiting for you, Captain."

Jack smiled and turned, opening the TARDIS door. He paused as he stepped inside, looking back over his team. "Now kids, play nice and listen to the sub, I'll be back by Monday," he tried to joke, earning half-smiles from everyone.

His last image, before he shut the door, was of Ianto, the Welshman giving him a small wave, his other hand clenched tightly around his Vidara necklace.

"Door's shut, we're all ready to go, welcome back aboard Captain!" the Doctor called out, starting to rush about the TARDIS console like a kid at Christmas. "I must say, the old girl's missed you!"

Jack smiled and patted the doors briefly as the unmistakable sound of the TARDIS taking off filled the air. Ianto would be safe. The team would be safe. He'd just be gone for a spin around space and time and be back in time for tea. It wasn't good-bye forever, it was Jack running down the street to catch a Weevil.

Reassured, he turned and smiled at Donna.

"Oh, did you bring along a snack then?" she teased, pointing to the thermos.

Jack gave her a brilliant smile and kissed the container. Still warm from where Ianto had touched it. "This, my dear lady, is the finest coffee you will ever find, no matter where you go in the universe." He grinned as the Doctor snorted. "Just try it, I'm serious." He popped the cap off, handing it off to Donna as he started unscrewing the silver plug from the top.

"Jack? What's this?" Donna asked, pulling out a folded piece of paper from where it had been hidden inside the cover. The Captain reached over and unfolded it with one hand, his breath catching when he recognized Ianto's neat script.

The thermos fell to the TARDIS grating floor, splashing hot coffee all over Jack's shoes. He didn't even notice.


Ianto had turned away as the TARDIS dematerialized, squeezing his eyes shut in a futile attempt to stem the oncoming tears. Gwen had gone to put an arm around him but he brushed her off, tugging his coat tighter around him.

"Let's leave him be for a bit," Owen counseled, crooking a finger at them. "How about we go to the spot around the corner, pick up some breakfast so he doesn't have to?"

The girls gave each other a look that clearly said so he does have a heart after all before agreeing, leaving Ianto alone in the Plass, leaning against the railing and into the salty sea air breeze.

The medallion of the necklace Jack had given him pressed into his palm as he clutched at it, fighting back tears. He was acting like a gigantic girl, honestly -- Jack was coming back, he'd promised. Promises in Torchwood were fragile things, but he knew Jack would keep his, keep this one.

Why did it feel like half of his soul was being torn away from him?

It was only the whoosh-whoosh-whoosh of what was only the TARDIS coming back that broke Ianto out of his stupor, and he turned just in time to see Jack come tearing out of the blue police box doors, running full-pelt across the Plass, the tail of his greatcoat flying behind him.

He swept his shocked lover up into his arms, kissing Ianto's laughing mouth. "What did you forget, Jack?" he asked, laughing and crying at the same time and knowing he looked a complete mess.

Jack pulled back and laughed as well. "What else, idiot? You!"

Donna stared at Jack's swiftly-retreating figure, still holding the railing from when the Doctor had made a sudden about-face. She shook her head and looked over as the Doctor came to stand by her, grinning widely as Jack swept in for the kill, laying one hell of a kiss on Ianto. "What this about then?"

The Doctor leaned down to fish Ianto's note out of the puddle of coffee, the ink just beginning to run off the page but still legible:


You do know how to pick one hell of a song, don't you?

'My love I'm lonely tonight
and where are you now?
My love I'm lonely tonight
can I meet you with the dawn?
Touching's so simple
which keeps me going through the cloud
Touching's so simple
which keeps me going.

Stay here awhile
Stay here close
Stay with me, my love
I love you

One little kiss to help me along
on the long journey ahead,
Remember my heart when you're far away
but please stay till I'm better.
My love I'm lonely tonight
and where can I go?
My love I'm lonely tonight
I miss you so my friend'

I love you, Jack. More than anything. Please come home to me.

The Doctor folded the paper and tucked it into one of his suit pockets, watching as Jack pulled Ianto back towards the TARDIS with him. "Looks like we're going to have another guest, Donna."

"Doctor," Jack gasped out, standing in front of the door in what he thought was a defiant look. He looked just precious. "Doctor, I'm not leaving without him."

He opened his mouth to tell Jack that Ianto was perfectly welcome aboard the TARDIS, but then he noticed the chain around the human's neck. The memory flooded back to him, Rose laughing over Jack's most recent purchase, Jack himself telling the Doctor that he was crazy.

"Of course your husband is welcome on board," the Doctor replied. "Now get in here, you'd survive the passage outside the box but he wouldn't!"

"Husband?!" the three humans cried out as Jack and Ianto stumbled into the ship.

The Doctor grinned crazily as he set about launching. Oh yes, he so loved picking up hitchhikers.

On the other side of the Plass, Gwen Cooper unknowingly mirrored her boss as she dropped her cup of coffee to the ground. Toshiko ran into her from behind, not paying attention as she and Owen chatted about what they were going to do with the Time Lord tech the Doctor had let them look at.

"What, Gwen?"

"Jack, it was Jack," she said, her eyes fixed on where the TARDIS had stood moments before. "He came running out of the Doctor's ship, grabbed Ianto and took him away with him."

Tosh and Owen looked at each other.

"Son of a bitch," Owen swore. "Who's gonna make your coffee now?"

ETA: Chapter six part one here

doctor who, resonating through time, dwtwprompts, torchwood

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