Okay, guys, listen up:
The Support Stacie auction's been extended to 6 PM CST, so go check it out! You have 3 1/2 hours left.
However, I must admit to being a little bummed that the scarves I have up for auction -- lovingly handmade by moi -- haven't been bid on... so here it goes:
You people put in
a bid for a scarf (no starting limit, and don't forget that you'll be adding $5 for shipping after the auction) and I'll post fic tonight.
Different Kind of Magic fic. That includes porn and crazy shenanigans. You tell 'em,
katestamps and
*is so not above bribery*
They're down towards the end, and have pictures in the slots now!
Bidding's done. Thank
buttononthetop, fishface44, Aunt Bea, and Oliva Jane (last three from the board) for fic tonight, children. ;)