Torchwood -- Gone For Ages

Jan 03, 2009 20:54

Title: Gone For Ages
redismycolour Challenge: Day Three
Date Written: 1/3/09
Rating: PG/K+
Word Count: 454
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Author Notes: Bribe for teachwriteslash.

"How like a winter hath my absence been
From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year!
What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!
What old December's bareness everywhere!"

- William Shakespeare, Sonnet 97

Ianto tended to be a light sleeper, but he didn't hear the front door open and close. He stirred when he heard something clatter in the living room and a muffled curse. He grinned; Jack always stumbled over the little side table next to the couch in the dark, no matter how often he came over.

He was still stuck in that place before sleep and wakefulness when the bedroom door eased open. The mattress dipped a little bit and Ianto smiled softly when he felt soft lips on his shoulder. "How was London?" Ianto asked, eyes still closed and smiling a little bit.

"It was London," Jack groused, pulling the covers back and slipping into bed with him. His skin was cold from the winter air.

"So, it was fantastic, wonderful, amazing, you didn't want to leave?" Ianto said with a laugh.

"It was cold, it was boring, and I'm glad I'm home," Jack replied, lips still on his neck.

The younger man rolled over in Jack's arms, looking up at him. "Please tell me you didn't fall asleep in the middle of the meetings this year."

Jack glowered, but said, "No one made coffee properly."

"I knew it," Ianto deadpanned. "You want me for my coffee."

Jack's laugh rumbled low in Ianto's ear. "No one wore a suit the proper way, or rolled those lovely vowels off their tongue either," Jack teased, nipping the lobe gently.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, sir," Ianto said, drawing out his os and grinning at Jack's low, pleased moan. "But it was only for one day."

"Felt like forever," Jack whined. "I was lonely."

"You're such a child sometimes," Ianto said with a laugh before leaning up to press his mouth against Jack's.

"Mmmm, missed you," Jack murmured against his lips before canting his head to the side and deepening the kiss. His tongue swept into Ianto's mouth, marking him as it swept across the roof of his mouth, traced the line of his teeth. It was invading and branding and delicious and it filled Ianto's senses, making him dizzy and wanting more.

"Now that was a good welcome home kiss," Jack said with a laugh when they pulled away. His mouth still didn't leave Ianto's.

Ianto chuckled, looping his arms around Jack's waist. "Welcome home, Jack," he murmured.

"So. Going to follow through?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows. "Welcome me back good and proper?"

"It's too late for such things," Ianto deadpanned. "Some of us have work tomorrow morning."

"Ianto Jones, are you asking for the day off in exchange for sexual favors?" Jack teased.

"Might as well get the perks."

Jack laughed and kissed him again. "God, I did miss you, so much."

redismycolour, torchwood

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