Apr 12, 2005 11:40
So the journal write-on competition is coming up. Basically you get a 300 page packet the day after finals are done, and then write a 15 page "note" to turn in one week later. Then they read them, grade them, blah blah blah.
I know I need to just suck it up and do the write-on. I just requested 3 days off of work that week to do it--let's hope that's enough. It's the week before our big budget hearings, so I'm really hoping that I don't get screwed. I actually think I have a small chance at Law Review- which would be awesome. I'm not sure if doing another journal would be worth it--2+ hours of office hours a week and a long ass note next year. If I make LR, I'll definitely do it, any other journal--not quite sure. I think my next choice would be Computer and Technology, then maybe Women's Rights Law Reporter- but I sorta got all my interest in feminism sucked outta me in college with my mistake as women's studies as a minor.
This summer I'm taking Entertainment and Business Law for 2 crs and TAing for Legal Research and Writing for 3 crs. Shouldn't be too bad...let's hope. My friend has a good outline for the one class :)
I hate finals time. I only really have to study for Evidence- which shouldn't be too bad, just gotta get on the ball. Legislation is a 24 hour take home- just gotta figure out what day to take off for this.
I have to turn in a 3 page paper for Legislation by tomorrow. Shouldn't be too hard, and I already have 1 page done and tons more to say. I'm just annoyed that I didn't get my 2nd paper back--I turned it in a bit late, he didn't say anything bc it's over email, but now I'm worried. He had a grade sheet out with our paper grades and there was a 0 for my 2nd one--but I've asked him multiple times if he got it and he said yes...so WTF.
I think today I'm doing lunch with Nicole. This is week 3 of Atkins- fun fun fun :)
My shoulder blade is killing me again from carrying around tons of books and crap.
Wow I'm whiny today. Probably bc I was up late on im and doing laundry. hehe. :)