Black Friday

Nov 26, 2004 15:03

I don't know who these people are who shop on Black Friday. My father hypothesized last night: "Perhaps they just like to shop!" I said "Dad, I LOVE shopping and stay far, far away from the malls this weekend every year..."

I don't get trying to save a few bucks in order to wait in line, deal with messy stores and obnoxious fellow shoppers. I prefer shopping when the mall is open til 11. I'll go from 9-11 pm and have the place to myself. It's fabulous. I'd really rather pay a little extra for some sanity.

Speaking of sanity, I'm losing mine quickly. I freaking hate con law. OK, it's not that bad, I just don't want to sit at my computer all day outlining. It's going slower today...this could also be a function of watching soaps and Gone with the Wind in the background. Ha.

Unfortunately, I will have to venture out to Target tonight to do my grocery shopping. The new one has a huge grocery section and everything's really cheap. I'll probably make it to the gym today since I couldn't get the strength to go yesterday morning. My legs really hurt!

Thanksgiving was ok-mostly boring. Sat around and watched movies and TV most of the TV. Though I did get to play with my 2 year old cousin who's adorable! With his hite-blonde curly hair, he looks like an angel! But he's anything but.

I didn't really eat horribly...partly because as we sat down, Brianne, my youngest "whole" sister, got up and puked all over the hall. Poor thing. Then her and Jess left to go home not long dinner was kind of interrupted, but in a good way. Cheryl's cooking wasn't bad for once...shocking.

Ok, enough procrastinating...
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