Oct 26, 2007 16:18
I am so excited to get my senior pictures! I think I'll wear my shortish magenta dress, my orange sweater with my good jeans, and my long yellow shirt with walking shorts. I'm getting them on the 12th. yargh. I can't decide if I should get a root touchup or not. You can barely see them and I'm, trying to save money, but I DO want them to look perfect.
Marching band competition tomorrow, marching band tonight, and work 10:30-3 on Sunday. So another packed weekend, but at least I'll get Sunday evening off. And soon marching season will be over and it will be glorious.
I am officially going to California the weekend before Thanksgiving and after Auburn. SO excited. J.T.'s mom is taking me. She's so generous. My flight will kind of suck though. I wanted to leave early afternoon so I'd be there for the evening. Well I am leaving in the afternoon, but I'm going to Seattle first and have a two hour layover so I won't get there until 10. So that does suck majorly, but it won't matter once I get there.
I am SO done with marching band.
Oh yeah so I woke up with literally 5 minutes to get ready this morning. It was an awful start to the day. I almost missed the bus, didn't grab a mt. dew so I was plagued with caffeine headaches all day, and had to put my makeup on in the dark bus. yuck.