This is not helping my mood AT ALL......

Feb 27, 2005 13:23

Mattiswhereitat: Our conversation was meaningless
Mattiswhereitat: The girl got back together with the guy
Grace12101: I'm sorry
Mattiswhereitat: It's alright
Mattiswhereitat: I was hurt but not devastated
Mattiswhereitat: thanks for your help anyway
Grace12101: no problem
Grace12101: sorry things didn't turn out better, though
Mattiswhereitat: this is the second, possibly third time this has happened... I think I'm just gonna move on
Grace12101: with the same girl?
Mattiswhereitat: Yes
Mattiswhereitat: They break up... we actually finally go out after me trying to see her for weeks... I get my hopes up that this might work.. they get back together
Mattiswhereitat: Second time it's happened
Grace12101: yeah, I think she doesn't know what she wants, and she's just going to keep breaking your heart
Mattiswhereitat: I think I'ma quit talking to her unless she starts conversations
Mattiswhereitat: Because I can ask her till I pass out... but she never has time for me when she's with him
Grace12101: well, you said you and her are friends and have been for a long time, right?
Mattiswhereitat: I knew her in high school
Mattiswhereitat: We became good friends when she transfered here last fall
Grace12101: oh ok
Grace12101: but still
Grace12101: if y'all are friends, don’t
Grace12101: let this come between your friendship
Mattiswhereitat: But she's not a very good friend to me when she's with him
Grace12101: if you need to back away for awhile to kind of separate yourself from the situation, that's fine
Grace12101: do you mean, she doesn't spend the time with you that you think she should spend with you when she's with him?
Grace12101: that's different than not being a good friend
Mattiswhereitat: I mean she doesn't spend any time with me at all
Mattiswhereitat: I mean I rarely get to talk to her
Grace12101: sigh....ok.....
Grace12101: if ya'll were really close friends, like best friends, then yes, I can understand that you're upset
Mattiswhereitat: I was the only person who had anything to do with her for the first month she was here
Mattiswhereitat: Then she finally meets people and I'm nothing
Grace12101: ok, well, you may be facing the hard way of learning the lesson that I did awhile back
Grace12101: sometimes, as awful as it sounds, people don't think of us as being as close to them as we think of them
Mattiswhereitat: That's every person I have a relationship with
Grace12101: well, what are you basing your relationships on?
Mattiswhereitat: Unconditional love
Grace12101: well, how are you showing that?
Mattiswhereitat: subservient
Grace12101: ok, that's your problem
Mattiswhereitat: No
Grace12101: I think you're being to lap-dog-ish, especially when its someone that you want to date
Mattiswhereitat: I am completely devoted to anyone I consider a good friend
Grace12101: I think you are trying too hard
Mattiswhereitat: eh
Grace12101: people like to open up at their own pace, and you want to know right away
Grace12101: you are very eager to make friends/relationships, but people aren’t always as quick to be trusting as you are
Grace12101: and one of the most important things about any relationship is to have no expectations for that other person
Grace12101: don't be looking for anything to happen further on down the road, just truly enjoy the present time with them
Grace12101: that way, anything extra is even more special
Mattiswhereitat: We have different philosophies but ok
Grace12101: well, not to be mean at all, but how much has yours worked recently?
Mattiswhereitat: And suddenly I just realized that I should be happy I never see you
Grace12101: no, that's not what I said
Mattiswhereitat: You're right
Mattiswhereitat: It's what I said
Mattiswhereitat: So I'm really glad we had this talk
Mattiswhereitat: I no longer expect common decency out of my friends
Grace12101: fine
Grace12101: take it however you want to
Grace12101: you like to twist what I say around anyway
Grace12101: so sure, make that your interpretation of what I said
Mattiswhereitat: You definitely made this one a little easier
Grace12101: fine
Grace12101: I need to get back to work, thanks for not being grateful for me trying to be a good friend and help you out however I could
Mattiswhereitat: Good luck with that
Auto response from Grace12101: Hi! As you can see, I'm up. That usually means I'm working on a project that's probably due tomorrow morning. Drop a message and I'll get back to ya!
Mattiswhereitat: Thanks for the help until you decided to be mean and intolerable
Mattiswhereitat: And thanks for helping me realize how much better off I am
Mattiswhereitat signed off at 12:59:51 PM.

Was I in the wrong to tell him, that, hey, your "philosophy" hasn't worked for awhile, maybe you ought to try mine? He is constantly giving me a guilt trip about not going to a game with him, or something like that. I would never try to guilt trip somebody or something like that! And I wasn't trying to tell him, hey, your way sucks and mine is SO much better. I was trying to say in a not-so-blunt way, "hey, leave me and the entire female population alone! We don't like it when you throw yourself at our feet, and then expect us to be crazy about you and spend every moment of our lives talking to you." Now, don't you think that I was being very nice in saying what I DID say? He really has too many expectations for those he considers to be friends. Now, I obviously have not mastered this "philosophy", but I know that there are definitely people out there who could care less if they knew me or not, that I definitely regard as a good friend or would like to get to know them as a good friend. And that's ok with me if its not reciprocated. Yes, it may get me down every once in awhile, but my whole life isn't dependent on that one person's feelings toward me. And, if I remember to not expect anything from them, then it IS so much more special when they think of me, or remember me, or ask if I would like to go somewhere with them. But still, I can't expect any more from them. I just got slapped upside the head with this again this weekend, and I think it's what is partially responsible for my weird mood. But, I'm not going to let it ruin my week, especially now that I realized that it's part of the cause. Life goes on, and people come and go - none of it can be stopped. That is why it is so very important to cherish the past and look forward to the future, but LIVE in today. So now that this is officially the most scatterbrained and probably the deepest post that I've ever made, I'm going to get back to searching Florida Building Codes.
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