Feb 13, 2006 14:25
So here I sit
Another day
Another Class
Wondering if life will ever change
Knowing that one day
I'll have to grow up
Grow old
Move on
Things that seem so distant now
Are hurtling towards me at top speed
Like a train that cannot be stopped
Another day
Another drama
Unwilling to let the past go
Unwilling to move on
Unwilling ot forgive or apologize
Maybe I should take my own advice
Be the bigger person
Step up
No matter how difficult
How hurt I may be
Is anything worth a friendship
Does anyone deserve ridicule
So people ridicule me
Must life be so difficult
Are we inherently this way
Another day
Another dream
We are all dreamers
Dreaming of a perfect life
The perfect person
The perfect future
But how do we find perfect
Does it even exist
Must we always settle
We set our sights high
Only to be brought down
Again and again
As a result we set our sights low
Strive for mediocrity
Just trying to get by
We never get better
Never back
Never forward
WE just sit where we are
Wishing we were better
But never try
This is the end
From now on I will try
I will work
I will apologize
I will forgive
I will push myself and you to our best
We are unstoppable
Another day
Another class
Another drama
Another wish
Another dream
Another goal
Another success