Mar 05, 2005 10:19
soo break a leg tonight Sharon High School Theatre Company....
aww I miss always seemed like one of the most important things in our lives and at that time it holding a job and graduating and getting a real job and entering the real world is the most important part...
Pat is the end of our dynasty...I'm nervous...The Sharon "Crew" is almost all graduated....thats crazy...and we all thought we'd be friends odd...we really felt like we would be friends forever we were so close...i remember sitting in mike's driveway in hysterics with about 8 other people the night before i left for come to find out college really truely isn't that bad...i love westfield....i love hte people finally realize how people are and it happens pretty quick here, cause you are with these people every day...
so I applied for a bigger position for this coming year fall 05 spring 06.....and I didn't get it...I was originally pissed off but now...i realize...hey i'm a senior i'm gonna wanna have my fun and all that responisibility i could definately handle...but i would rather be able to have fun rather than have all this work to do.. my friend courtney and the CDA of my building said "its their loss! and you would have been a great candidate for the job" that really made me feel good she always makes me feel good about myself....she's a great person and thats probably why she's engaged and building a house for when she gets out of school i bet she'll even have a teaching job by the time she graduates...she's that cool! hehe..i luv her... so yeah I am an RA in the apartments.... which was my second choice...i can't wait to have an apartment...
it has caused me alot of pain though, this damn apartment, i was an idiot and told more thaan the right # of people that they can live with me so last night ihad to tell 2 people that they cannot live with me..i felt so of them understood thank goodness..but the other was so mean...she made me feel worse than i already was hard enough to tell her then she had to put it all in my face...i spent all day figuring out what i was gonna do...and hten she makes me feel worse about it...she says she doenst hate me but i doubt it...she seemed so pissed...."frustrated" I dunno i just wish she would have given me the benefit of hte doubt...i did try....and its techincally my apartment...i have to live with who i'll be happiest with...OH WELL....
yay an apartment...yay Erin, Julie, Emily, Nicole, Danielle and ME...and all my friends who decide to come sleep over..i think i'm gonna buy air mattresses when they are on sale this summer hehe...yay i'm so excited for nextyear
Songs for a New World is going great...they need more support and confidence in themselves and they'll be fine...but yay they are so much fun...i love my MTG.....sometimes it really gets to me and i i just want to walk away but other times i think "how could iever leave them" i love this club this is the one static thing in my life...i will be a part of this club forever...every semester we do a show every semester no matter how hard we fall no matter how many people put us down we're still movign foward and we still do really well...except for that one semester when the show didn't go up...and when that really bd show went up...oohh we'll just forget they ever happened :) i love MTG....and the cast of SFANW