Yes....I'm still help me with my primary vote, ok?

Jan 12, 2008 12:53

HERE are some wedding pictures of my big day! See? I DID get married! :)

Sorry it's been awhile since I posted, yet life gets me busy. I have heard from some of you guys over the holidays (sternel and marianne2679 immediately come to mind) and I would have sent holiday cards AND dropped a line when I visited home over New Years. However, shingoji and I were really under time and financial pressures over December and when we went up to NY, spending time with family was our main objective (especially since my Aunt/Confirmation Godmother/Mater Familas for my Dad's side of the family is undergoing chemotherapy again). Now that I have gained partial employment (FINALLY! It's better than nothing.) I'll be trying to get back in better touch - so those who sent holiday cards, expect to see something soon. :D

Otherwise, things are good. I'm just trying to do my thing and keeping reasonably informed on all things pop, pomp and political. In South Carolina, presidential politics are unavoidable. Every day, I get a political call from the Republican Party (since that's where I'm registered with) asking who I will vote for. While I was in the salon getting ready for my wedding, Alfrie Woodard stopped by the salon to get a back massage and stumped for Obama (she admired my engagement ring and wished me luck for my day). When you reside in a state where your primary is prominent, the amount of grassroots campaigning you see peppers the local routes with many a campaign sign and rallys, BBQs, meet and greets, are general social events here.

When Colbert was campaigning in the State, shingoji and I skipped Mass so we could go see him. It was a very exciting day! shingoji still talks about the day, almost as much as he talks about the wedding. I can be distinctly heard screaming to Colbert (30 seconds into this particular video clip), so that he tells me "I love you more". He even shook my hand as he plays the crowd. If the parties accepted him on his ballot, I so would have voted for him.

As it stands, the ballot for both parties is set, and there are no options for write-ins. So sad. :( At first, I thought I was limited to only vote in the primary I am registered in, like how it is in NY. This saddened me further, since none of the Republican Presidental Primary candidates strike me as being someone I would want for President (Ron Paul, in particular, SCARES me). However, the_corruption has informed me that I can vote in EITHER primary, so long as I vote in ONE.

0_o This boggles my mind, since this is so different from NY Election Procedures. It also frightens me that the citizens of SC can be so powerful with their primary vote. No wonder the campaign money is poured in this state.

So here is where all you lovelies come in:
1. Which primary would you vote in? The Republican Primary is next week (January 19) and the Democrat Primary is a week after that (January 26). I can only vote in ONE, so if I forget to vote next week, I'll definitely vote the week after.
2. Who would you vote for? I know in each race, there is no clear, shining Presidential(tm) candidate. So I'd love to hear opinions from those out there.

Thanks for reading...I'll be sure to let you know how my voting experience went down when it happens.

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