Nov 03, 2006 02:57
You miss the sound of your father's (gradfather's) voice? My computer savvy friend Pastor Daley has a web site that streams the audio from our radio program here in Lenawee County. It's >< with the two little ll characters being small case "L's."
We have 5 pastors from our four Lenawee County WELS churches doing a 1/2 hour recorded radio program on WLEN - Adrian (103.9 FM). We rotate through. A sermon, a 5 minute lesson on a Catechism Question, recorded music (you might hear Dan, Rachel, Joel or Josh when a cut from one of the MLS CD's is played. ("Ain' a that Good News?")
Jon, you should be able to hear it in Ypsi - 10:05 a.m. Sunday morning.
So, check out the little web site. Nothing fancy, just good stuff. Speaking of web site, we are real close to starting up a gracetecumseh web site here at Grace.