Dec 16, 2008 13:06
All my exams are over, thankfully.
History one wasn't too bad, however, I wasn't sure on a few problems. It's always like that for me. Also, we are like, having an ice storm. It sucks majorly. As I left campus, I had to scrape an assload of ice off my car. It was not pleasant. Then I determined that my gas light was getting ready to come on, so I should probably fill my tank up in case I get stranded anywhere or get cabin fever or something ridiculous and must venture out into the nasty winter wonderland-schwonderland. So I filled my gas tank up and came home to have a nice stereotypical lunch of ramen noodles. And you know what? They were delicious.
I will probably nap here soon, as I do not go to work until seven p.m. this evening, which is basically a waste of my time. It will probably be rather stressful as well, because usually who I work with ends up not having anything done when I get there. It's frustrating, but whatever. It feels weird not having to get up and go to classes every morning. It makes my week go by slower, not having class. I don't like it. Sometimes I just want to be a student forever. But whatev. I know next semester will be frustrating for me, and I will probably be thinking "god I just wish I didn't have school anymore." Granted, I like having a "break," but it's not really a break when I have to work like, 45+ hours a week for a sorry excuse for a boss. We are in the process of buying the new store as well, which I guess is exciting. Which also means I will have to work a shit ton after we take over it in Mid-January, because god knows Stephen isn't going to want to do shit, just being married and all.
That brings me to another point: I don't think I will be capable of enjoying my Winter Break. If it's as miserable as Thanksgiving was, I might just kill myself and get it over wth. Also, I think my work schedule will really suck ass this week. I'm thrilled. Fuck my eye.
So really, there is not much to look forward too. I know, I know, that is a very pessimistic thing to think, but I simply can't help it. It's the way I am. Pessimist.
The only think I'm remotely awaiting is giving gifts at Christmas, which is like, nine days away. How it creeps up on us so quickly. I also am, of course, looking forward to going back to school and finishing up this year and everything. I'm also going to get my subbing license, so hopefully when school ends in the spring semester, I can go up to my old middle school and substitute teach a bit. My dad e-mailed me about it today, and it had like the e-mails between him and Kristin in it, which was sort of stressful. I hate when my father brags on me. It just makes me sort of sick. Not sure why.
Anyway, I am both relieved and pissed that this semester has come to a close.
And furthermore, I am contemplating suicide-bombing Subway.
Fuckkkk this. :)
history exam,
thanksgiving break,
substitute teaching,