Nov 21, 2008 13:03
I got to see my love last night. She is wonderful, as always!
We cuddled in the cold Jeep. It was super nice.
We bought giant candy bars and ate bagel bites. Nom nom nom.
We are going to see Twilight tomorrow.
I really need to finish the book.
I have a nice, good chunk of school work to get done before Thanksgiving break. Boo.
I hate my english group for essay project #4.
They haven't ever missed any of our group meetings, or any classes, until today.
Then what?
Neither of them come to class today, the one day that I really needed both of them there to look over what I have on the essay and so we could go over who will be presenting what in our final advertising presentation.
This is furthermore proof then, that I cannot trust or rely on my classmates for anything.
I always have to do all the work myself.
I'm so disappointed in both of them.
Really flustered.
I might have to end up making the poster over again on my own.
Maybe they will show up Monday.
Either way, I'm planning not to give either of them hardly any credit on the project, once I write my analysis of it.
They will be burned.
So I have been very pissy about this all morning.
I sent them both very shitty e-mails when I got home.
I need a nap, and I desperately need to be Edward Cullen finish reading Twilight.
Some people on Facebook are doing this thing called fifteen random things, listing fifteen little tidbits or random things about myself. I won't post mine on FB, but here goes...
1. I really want to marry you, have your babies, spend the rest of my life with you.
2. I wish both of you loved me more and could just accept me.
3. I don't really want anything / need anything.
4. You have my heart. Completely.
5. I want a really good job so I can support my family someday.
6. I really want writing to be my job.
7. I don't like where I go to college.
8. I think my boss is a whore / asshole. I feel sorry for the fact that he's cheating on his fiancee.
9. I have a really great brother.
10. My apartment is often very messy.
11. I have trouble verbalizing my thoughts.
12. I can be very mean and douchebag-like.
13. I love naps, sex, masturbating, my amazing girlfriend, cookies, books, candles.
14. I hate my current job and wish I would have never accepted it in the first place.
15. I love PostSecret.
fifteen random things,