fed up with man.

Aug 28, 2005 17:26

Have you been in a situation where you dont really like the boyfriend or girlfriend of your good friend. Or at least feel that he/she deserves a better person?

I dont really want judge, nor do i really hate him to the core. But i just feel that she deserves a better guy. Every guy who loves a girl will OBVIOUSLY be nice to her what. What makes the difference is how he treats others, how much kindness is there in a guy, his character, how HUMBLE he is. Other important factors include, chemistry, sharing the same goal, passion in life for things..etc.  So I think sometimes girls (including me) decieves ourselves by telling ourselves that the guy loves me, or sometimes he treats me well....DUH!!!!!! It's just like why do other girls still stay with their bfs even when they are abusive? There are so many fishes in the sea lah, he isnt the only 'good' guy. Yes, rejection is difficult, but to suffer for this short few months is better than suffering for a life time. Why do we often like to settle for 2nd best or good...and not the best. Human Love is blind...I so totally agree with that.

It's like two magnets, trying to force the both north poles together.... Althought the common thing is that both are magnets...but it takes more than just that to attract...to have a blessed relationship.One of the worst thing is to let emotions rule our lives...dont let it decieve you...dont like it get the better of you.

We often know what is right....but the difficult part is doing what is right...Cos its always easy to stick with the 'wrong'. hahaa.. so now..how can people say that humans arent sinful... we are sinners...needing a saviour. hai.....

I think the two greatest lies in the world are that

1. There are not enough guys.

2. Maybe 'he' will change. ( for the better)

That's why probably why so many girls suffer...cos we are nice creatures. heee..

Well, i care very much for my friend... I dont wish to see her go through this....I hope she remembers that nothing can beat the unconditional and greatest love of all....Jesus. He knows what is best...he really knows.

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