Feb 02, 2008 22:25
In one of my scarce, but absolutely lucid moments, I suddenly saw how there is only one crisis going on within any group of women. In this, I mean that there would be a perpetual series of crises, and there would be some that have more crises than others. In general though, only one crisis happens at a time.
I think this is because women in a group can mentally evaluate whose crisis is more serious, then drop their own crisis to rally behind the most critical of the crises. Once that is taken care of, the next most urgent crisis steps up to the plate to get solved.
It never fails to amaze me how some of my women friends can drop all of their own problems to commiserate with mine. Or how my own petty issues suddenly fall to the wayside simply because someone else is facing an imminent meltdown sooner than me.
I also noticed that when I am isolated within a group of only men, I tend to gravitate toward the much older ones, who can shut up and just listen, rather than the younger ones who try to solve the problem for me. I also notice that I tend to feel crazier in a group of men than one of women.
By George! I'm probably one of the sanest ones in any grrrl group. But boy! when I melt down, I go down hard (and even take a few people with me).
I must learn to control these strange super powers that I have.
Or learn to enjoy basket weaving during group therapy each afternoon.
I'm getting pretty good at that herringbone weave.
**Addendum: My sisters, YOU ROCK!