Player Information
Your name/pseudonym: Kaige
Are you 18 or older at the time of this application? Yes
Your email:
Your chat handles: kaige68 on YIM
Do you currently have any other characters in this game?: Magnus and Arthur
Applying for: Danny 'Danno' Williams - Hawaii Five-0 (2010 series)
Character Information
Name: Danny Williams
Nickname/aliases: Danno
Canon: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 series)
Canon Type?: Television
Character's LJ:
graces_danno Brief history of your character:
Danny was a detective in New Jersey with a daughter and a less than working marriage. After their divorce, the once Mrs. Williams remarried, and moved with Grace and her new husband to Hawaii. Unable to do anything but follow, Danny requested a transfer from the Trenton Police Department to Honolulu.
Six months after his transfer Danny was assigned by HPD to handle the murder case of former cop Jack McGarrett, he went back to recheck the crime scene and found the victim’s son (Navy SEAL Commander Steven McGarrett) prowling through the house trying to collect evidence of his own. There was a standoff of guns and badges which ended with McGarrett in charge of the investigation, and Danny off the case.
That afternoon (after assurances that Danny was new to the HPD and could not have been involved in old corruption) Steve bitched until he got his way persuaded Danny to join a new task force that the Hawaiian governor was giving carte blanche. "Together with a former Honolulu Police officer, Chin Ho Kelly, and a Police Cadet, Kono Kalakaua, they tracked down Jack McGarret’s murderer. (Sure they thought they killed him when he actually got away, but hey…)."
Also, Steve keeps driving his car.
Brief synopsis of your character's personality:
Danny is a loyal and by-the-book cop. He’s not fond of Steve’s methods (guns blazing, shoot first, Miranda what?), but he understands that they get things done that he probably couldn’t do his way, and to an extent he enjoys playing Good cop to his partner’s Crazy cop. It should also be said that he does enjoy explaining to Steve how out of line the commander was to, for example, throw someone into a shark cage to get answers.
He is a devoted father. As much as his job takes up all of his time, Grace comes first in everything.
And then there’s the snark. The back-talking sarcasm is somewhere between a sport and a way of life for Danny. He knows when to use it, and who he should not use it on. It’s a sign that he has no respect for his snark victim, or the utmost trust.
Age: 34
Appearance: Caucasian, 5'5" tall, muscular, rarely clean shaved, light brown hair and on the job he dresses like a Haole (mainland) cop.
Icon (100x100 pixels, preferably textless, good quality icon for cast list):
Game Information
What is the point of your character's canon in which you are introducing your character? After episode 1.10
Is your character alive or dead at the point of entry to the game?: Alive
What skills does your character have?: Police training
Your character will find 10 personal items in their room that the island has placed there. :
HPD Dress uniform
Framed school year picture of Grace
Heckler & Koch P30 9mm (hand gun)
Heckler & Koch MP5KPDW (sub machine gun)
Ammunition for both guns
Kevlar vest
Cell phone
Police radio (walkie talkie) (and charger)
Group photo for Kona's Academy graduation
Shoe box full of Grace's baby pictures.
Entry post: