(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 15:53


Yeah, because I always have that kind of money laying around waiting to be spent on something super cool like WICKED or THE LION KING!!!!!!!! I could become a prostitute! SO so so so kidding...ha, last year, I would've actually taken that statement halfway seriously. God bless you, time. I could stand on a corner with a hat and dance in a tutu or something....yeah, stupid idea. Car washes? possibly. Cutting dance classes? sure (tear) Oh hell, even all of that won't cover it by March. Much less with having districts, ballet tuition/recital fee/costume fee, possibly state, and Orlando workshop on the list of crazy-expensive stuff for me. Gosh, when did I get so costly?

Wagg is making us watch a video about poverty/population problems and such and its terribly depressing, not it itself, but the fact that most of the people around me watching it don't give a damn, really, at the end of the day. I don't want to believe it when I see baby corpses and bone-thin children with flies on them and nothing to eat. Or when they demonstrate the cultures that give women no choice but to be objects of men and reproduce sons, many many sons. I get so anxious in my young age in the feeling helplessness, like I can't do anything about it. If you haven't been to www.one.org yet, type that address in right now, you can come back to lj in a minute.
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