Wednesday Words

Dec 08, 2021 07:02

Again, a bit of a struggle this week, though ultimately a not-unrespectable amount of words. Part of my issue is that I haven't quite landed on the next Wincest fic I want to write, which left me without a project after finishing edits on my most recent fic. I also got my booster and that took me out of commission for a couple of days. Still figuring out my next Wincest project, but I've pulled up one of my HP fics that is pretty close to finished and was able to make some progress on that--I'd love to finish it this month if I can, which should be doable, muse willing.

Weekly Word Count (12/1-12/7) = 3,174
  • Wincest 5+1: went through initial edits.

  • Dream!Fic - HP: read through existing draft and made some light edits, and wrote most of the next scene.

Next Week's Goals
  • Wincest 5+1: send to beta!

  • A Relationship Unravels: go through edits if I get back from beta.

  • Wincest Weed!Fic: go through edits if I get back from beta.

  • Dream!Fic - HP: write a scene.
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personal: writing, fandom: supernatural, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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