November Writing Wrap-Up + December Goals

Dec 01, 2021 09:02

November Word Count Goal: 8,733 / 15,000

2021 Total Word Count Goal: 188,595 / 175,000

2021 Total Writing Days Goal: 237 / 220

This was always going to be a stretch goal between ~9 days of international travel, my birthday/activities, Thanksgiving/activities, and a shit ton of proofing/modly work for Erised all happening this month. Fell short, which wasn't unexpected, but it's still not my lowest WC month of the year even with all of those legit excuses, so I'm not unhappy with it.NOVEMBER ROUND-UP
  • Wincest Weed!Fic: sent to beta!

  • S1 Wincest Missing Scene:sent to & got back from beta, went through beta edits, did final read-through, and posted! You can read it here.

  • Wincest 5+1: outlined & wrote the first draft!

  • Possible 2022 Kinktober fic: I had an idea for a kinktober fic this year that would work as a sequel to an existing fic and would have the entire month of kinks as part of one fic. It's a bit ambitious to create a 31-chapter kink!fic that reads as a cohesive narrative so, naturally, it did not happen this year! But I've always wanted to do a fic like this, and I think if I start chipping away at it early, I could potentially make it happen. So I did some brainstorming and light outlining/plotting!

  • Drarry Plotbunny: went through beta edits and did final read-through!
December Word Count Goal: 12,000

December tends to be either one of my best writing months of the year or one of my worst, and still TBD on where that will land this year! I've got a ton going on IRL, and nothing big or wildly pressing to work on writing-wise, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a bit more subdued. I'd low-key love to hit 200k words for the year (50k more than my original goal/how much I wrote last year) purely for the fun of it, but I won't be fussed if it doesn't happen.

December Fics to Focus On
  • Vampire!Wincest: go through edits if I get back from beta.

  • A Relationship Unravels: go through edits if I get back from beta.

  • Wincest Weed!Fic: go through edits if I get back from beta.

  • Wincest 5+1: go through initial edits and send to beta.

  • Wincest Season Codas: lowkey aiming to write one episode-specific coda/missing scene for every season, and so far I'm at 5/15. Would love to write one this month, and I'm lowkey planning to do a rewatch of S7 to see if anything sparks.

  • Wincest plotbunnies: not sure what is calling to me yet, but I'll likely pull from one of the three plot bunnies below that I've already outlined/started drating, or maybe I'll start something new.

  • Dream!Fic - HP: I'd like to work on at least one HP thing this month, and this one is closest to finished so I might try and write at least one scene.

Upcoming Fics / Stuff on the back-burner
  • Possible 2022 Kinktober fic: still a year away, but never too early to plan! Not actively working on this one, but I may end up poking at the outline in December.

  • Drarry Long!Fic: also moved to the backburner as I think I don't have the spoons to work on such a long project right now with everything else on. Planning to pick it up again in the new year.

  • Monster Daddy Sam Collab: sadly relegated to the back-burner for the moment as my collab buddy has some other projects to focus on.

  • Wincest Size!Kink: not a high priority, but something to come back to at some point.

  • Wincest Panty!Kink: not a high priority, but something to come back to at some point.

  • Wincest Does New Mexico: vaguely outlined plotbunny for me to write at my leisure.

  • Sterek!AU: I think I might need to just accept that this is just not happening right now. I've got it outlined but I need to rewatch the movie inspiration to refine, and I've just not been in the mood.

  • Taking Chances Sequel: on indefinite hiatus. I've got several pages worth of ideas for the sequel, but it's in no cohesive plot form, and IDK if it'll ever come to life.

  • Pile O' Plot Bunnies: I currently have a list of over 20 concrete plot bunny ideas. Some of things I'll try and incorporate into fests or daily deviant themes. Some are sequels or codas to existing fics of mine. There are a couple of ideas here that I REALLY want to write at some point, so I'm always keeping an eye out for a good opportunity to prioritize one of my ideas.
This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

writing round-up, personal: monthly wrap-up, fandom, personal: writing, fandom: supernatural, fandom: harry potter

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