October Fic Recs

Oct 30, 2021 07:04

Another month, another set of fic recs! A little all over the place, as always, in my quest to clear out my backlog of TBR fics, and in reading some newer postings. :D

Title: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12,115
Content/Notes: AU: University, AU: No Exy, friends with benefits, sex toys, rimming, intercrural sex, implied bottom!neil
Summary: Sex and feelings and Neil Josten in the middle. In both sexy and unsexy ways.
Really fun and sexy non-Exy AU with some great characterizations and a really lovely Neil POV.

Title: Other Means Series (2 Fics)
Pairing: Harry/John
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 34,074
Content/Warnings: first time, mild dub-con, light D/s, bottom!harry
Summary: Set post Battle Ground.
Harry negotiates, with interludes for beer and punching.
Really engaging fic set after Battle Ground with Harry and Marcone becoming closer as Harry tries to figure a way out of his marriage contract. Gorgeous sexual tension, and a really well-done plot!

Title: Recalibrate
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, brief Draco/OMC
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 20,921
Content/Warnings: eighth year, first time, switching, bottom!draco, bottom!harry, rimming, semi-public!sex
Summary: Sometimes, you need to step back and think about things from a new perspective. Other times, you’ve just got to open your eyes to what you needed all along.
Sexy and light-hearted 8th year fic with a wonderful Harry voice as we see him slowly obsess over Draco after catching him ~in flagrante~. Smutty and fun!

Title: In What Universe?
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, background Ron/Hermione
Rating: Mature (rated Explicit on AO3, but felt more Mature to me!)
Word Count: 70,000
Content/Warnings: multiverse, universe travel, cursed!draco, healer!harry, non-linear timeline, down and out draco, bottom!harry, minor character death
Summary: Draco accidentally triggers a curse that pulls him into tiny glimpses of different universes. This would all be fine-what does it matter if he semi-regularly flaunts the laws of space and time? Except that in every universe, in every iteration of every possible world, Harry Potter is in love with him.

And that will not do. At all.

Where Draco is a mess, Harry is a healer, and Pansy is fabulous in velour track suits.
Super interesting fic in which Draco is essentially cursed to disappear into the ~multiverse~ getting pulled in and spat out at random. The story is told non-linearly, and watch past Draco deal with the curse and what it means, and present Draco as he and Harry come back into one another's lives and begin to circle each other. The concept here was just super interesting and the whole fic made for a really engaging read!

Title: Theoretically
Pairing: Castiel/Dean, background Sam/Eileen
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,902
Content/Warnings: established relationship, wing!kink, rimming, bottom!dean, implied switching
Summary: Dean can say for certain that he’s never really had any kind of animal roleplay kink. But wings, he can get behind.
Really interesting fic that takes place nebulously sometime in the later seasons with Dean become a bit... preoccupied with Castiel's wings, which sends him down a bit of a rabbithole. Loved the characterizations and the whole thing was super hot!

Title: Not a goddamn thing
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 15,011
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, pining
Summary: "When I had the unparalleled pleasure of torturing her, Meg shared some tasty, terrible things about her time in Sam's head, back in the day." Crowley leaned over the table in the dungeon, his chains jingling. "And, as we've all been forced to acknowledge and exploit over the years, your sad little family drama is just rife with secrets. Your main export. Isn’t that right, Moose?"

Sam's palms were sweating. He stared at Crowley, who was staring back at him with this wry smile-and then, almost imperceptibly, Crowley's eyes flicked over to Dean.

Bile rose in Sam's throat. He knew.
Excellent season 9 fic with Crowley holding the fact that he knows Sam's secretly in love with Dean over his head. The characterizations here were so spot on and I loved the way things played out. Plus suuuuper hot!

Title: I simply am not there
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 17,553
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, first time, sort of consent issues, bottom!sam, implied switching
Summary: Talking to Sam without a soul felt like a fucked-up monkey paw wish: Sam knew his secret and he wasn’t mad about it, but he also didn’t care at all. It was like they were talking about Dean shrinking his shirt in the wash. Oh, you're a little in love with me? Maybe since always? That's cool, man, don't worry about it..
Wonderful fic with Sam and Dean sharing a kiss before Sam took on Lucifer, and Dean obsessing and wondering where that leaves them now that Sam has returned.

Title: Dream Fuckery
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 17,970
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, first time, dream!sex, switching, bottom!dean, bottom!sam, table!sex, light breathplay
Summary: "The spell's giving you nightmares?" Sam asked. "How bad?"
The guy in Dean's dream looked like Sam and sounded like Sam, and he'd never felt Sam’s teeth tugging at his lower lip but he figured that felt like Sam, too. His internal screaming reached a fever pitch.
"Fucking vile, dude. Can we please figure this shit out?"
Seriously hot fic with the boys getting hit with a dream curse that leads to some unexpected sexy time. I loved Dean's voice in this one, and their characterizations and reactions throughout were so fantastic. This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

fandom: all for the game, pairing type: slash, pairing: castiel/dean, rec: fic, fandom: the dresden files, fandom: harry potter, pairing: dean/sam, pairing: harry/john, pairing: draco/harry, pairing: andrew/neil, fandom: supernatural

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